
Thanks All

I thank this blog, contributors, and commenters. It's a great resource for everyone who Lives In Delaware County.


  1. Realize that your not going to win? Throwing in the towel? What are you going to do after the elections?

  2. Just the opposite. Too bad you misunderstood courtesy.

  3. Bad form, anon.

    I may vote the "Right" way, but I certainly think Casey is a very decent man. I may not agree with him on certain issues, but I think he's handled himself very well here and showed a lot of class, which is more than I can say for you right now.

  4. Vote the right way? you bet on it girlie! These Democrat liberal scum-suckers have no idea what our troops are going thru in the war on terror. Im with you miz Kate! Our president will prevail as will our Republican congress!
    If the Dems get delco us whites will be living in yet another extension of philly and the minorities and liberals will win!!

  5. Vote the right way? you bet on it girlie! These Democrat liberal scum-suckers have no idea what our troops are going thru in the war on terror. Im with you miz Kate! Our president will prevail as will our Republican congress!
    If the Dems get delco us whites will be living in yet another extension of philly and the minorities and liberals will win!!

    Sweetie, Upper Darby IS just another extension of Philly and I can't wait to get out.

    I have to pick my kids up when they go to a friend's house because they won't walk home after dark, they hate their high school and want to go to Bonner (I just can't afford it), the neighborhood resembles a war zone, BUT I am thankful for the right to bear arms.

    I hope to head south - as in North Carolina or Tennessee so I can get out of this hell hole called Upper Darby.

    As for the War on Terror (and being over in Iraq) - my brother served a tour in Iraq not too long ago. He's a Marine who was proud to defend his country and would do it again in a heartbeat (he actually volunteered to go back).

    One thing I'll always remember him saying when he went over was that the liberal Media couldn't be further from the truth with how the Iraqi people feel about us being there.

    Anyway, I talk WAY too much so I'll shut up now...

  6. Republican and Proud of it -
    Us Democrat Liberal scum-suckers know exactly what are troops are going through. That's why we will be bringing them home as soon as possible.
    Please post again next Wednesday, you racist moron.

  7. Democrat liberal scum-suckers like Joe Sestak, John Kerry, Max Cleland, Brian Lentz, Tammy Duckworth, etc, have no idea what it's like for our troops. Only brave, corageous men like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, Karl Rove, Condaleeza Rice, Bill Frist, Dennis Hastert, Tom Delay, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and Bill O'Reilly really understand what it's like to be on the front lines!

    Bloody wanker.

  8. Well lookie here, Remember how Crook manipulated and lied to get the article about him off the net?


    Lend a hand of support to the folks tryin gto nail him to the wall?

  9. Good Luck today Casey. And thank you for your contributions. I hope you continue.



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