I have a serious beef with this woman who just was installed as the "House Speaker". Instead of her investigating Bush and Cheney and the other so called "Neo Cons" on war crimes and possible treason charges for the bullshit invasion in the Middle East.. (
That's right RWR) She decides to ban smoking some Camels or Luckies anywhere in the Capitol? WTH Nancy!
This woman has the balls (like Hillary the lesbo) to say on her first day on the job that there will be no impeachment? WTH did I vote for some of you Demobullcrats for? I want America (As in the U.S.A.) safe from our government bureaucracy, not your "mother countries" that you are so hell bent in putting first! Smoking Nancy? How about the millions of spent depleted uranium shells who's nano particles are circumventing the globe as I type this? How about the millions on cubic tonnes of carbon monoxide gases spewed out of the soccer moms SUV as they drive alone to the hair dresser and give me a nasty look as I flick my cigarette out the window? Do you know anything? Do you care? I thought as much.
You and you so called "Democrats" that were recently elected are chicken shits, in cahoots with Bush and his handlers to kill more and more American service personnel, all in the bullshit name of "Freedom" for the Iraqis who are in a civil war amongst themselves. Get out of of the Middle East, forget your dream of making billions on their oil, let the Iraqi's kill each other as I for one of many dont give a shit, nor does most other Americans and espicially YOU. These people have been fighting for thousands of years over bullshit religious crappola, all the while proclaiming "God is great" and
"My God's better than your God".. Sound's like that old Ken L Ration commerical, dosen't it?
P.S. Go join Arnold Nancy,
smoke some Mother Earth...
I agree with you that the smoking ban is not a good use of priorities by Pelosi. However, did you know, as I just learned, that upon our "takeover" of Iraq, one of the first moves by the Bush administration was to institute stop smoking programs among the Iraq citicens. Preety absurd. Didn't get much publicity.
ReplyDeleteWow. I agree with much of what you say, but "Hillary the lesbo"? Pretty offensive language. Are you intolerant of all homosexuals r just lesbians? Or was it a misguided attempt to slam Hillary who is the real target of your hatred?
ReplyDeleteI can't tell, but it makes me less likely to keep reading in any case.
The 'Lesbo' comment was inserted out of frustration on the fact that Hillary is a conformist, unwilling to take the bull by the horns attitude. Is She a Lesbo? Most likely not. Do I hate Hillary? Yes, for the fact that she chose to stick with her cheating husband, after he made a damn fool out of her.
ReplyDeleteMy beef is directed at all of the politicial canidates.. Not one has the balls (or lack of) to straighten out what bs Bush has done to this country.
Feel free to post your thoughts.
Bush id GoD