
Deleting posts

This morning I posted a response to Casey's post titled, "Your tax money wasted by Mario Civera." Being that I am a Republican and was offended by what I read, I gave a rebuttal and threw in a few sarcastic comments and a joke, which no doubt hit a nerve. I know the comment was there, because I reread to check for any spelling errors. I went back a little while later and the comment was gone. I sent an email to Fran asking him if he deleted the comment and he told me he didn't and that he would look into it. Fran called me a few minutes ago and told me that he also saw it and was going to send out a mass email to the contributors here regarding the issue. I asked if it was ok if I just could post about it and then move on, which he agreed to. First of all, I'd like to address Casey (whether it be Jr or Sr): This is FRAN's blog. Not yours. Not mine. Not anyone else's. I would NEVER stoop so low as to delete a comment in a post that I started because someone hit a raw nerve with me or posted something that I didn't agree with. A good, healty debate is exactly I was hoping for, instead the comment was deleted. I didn't name call. I didn't mud sling. I just said what I felt was an appropriate response to your post. If you can dig dirt on someone, you better expect the same to happen to you. It's politics. It happens every day. If you're that thin-skinned that a little comment got to you, than obviously, you're in the wrong field. I may not be a very savvy political person, but I sure am learning. I LIVE IN DELWARE COUNTY and will do what I can for Upper Darby Township to keep it honest and on the right track. It was very childish for my comment to be deleted. If you had an issue with me, you could have easily emailed me or Fran and I'm sure things could have been resolved and wouldn't have to come to this. Remember, we are in Fran's home. Have respect for him, and have respect for those that contribute here as well.


  1. But...but...but...Democrats can do no wrong!

  2. Now, now, don't tell me you've been drinking the Kool-Aid! HA! :p

    Believe it or not, Anon, that's what both sides would like us to believe. I just want honesty. I just want the truth. And is it so much to ask for integrity?

  3. ***Edit to add***

    That both sides would like us all to believe that neither does anything wrong.

  4. What was the deleted post?
    I enjoy your give and take and would have liked to see it. Post it again.

  5. Also since this is Fran's site I can't delete posts. Is what you said so controversial that it would offend me? Not a chance.
    If you were inferring that I was involved, check your facts and apologize with the class your comments here display.

  6. Casey,

    As I said in email to you, if I was wrong, I apologize and it's heartfelt and sincere.

    But the fact is, any contributor that starts a post can delete any comment of their choosing in their thread, and not just Fran.

    As contributors, we can only delete our own posts that we start, but as I said, any comments that are left by anyone in that thread can be deleted by the contributor.

    One way or another, I really would like to get to the bottom of this because it's something that's irked me all day.

    Take care and be safe, Casey.

  7. I looked into the posting situation and found nothing. I hope that the issue is resolved and we can move forward. This blog is for all of us to post our views, and as it says at the top, Comments are welcome".



Feel free to post your thoughts... Try to keep it clean.