
No Smoking in Delaware County?

Cross posted from my personal blog Last night I went up to Roxborough to visit my Daughter Natalie. I wound up at the Parker Pub and was hanging out with her aunt Carrie (Pictured). Anyway, dumb ass me lights up a Winston. Carrie immediately told me you can't smoke in here! I forgot all about the recent smoking ban in Philly.

I grumbled for a second, then went out the door. Carrie followed me, and she also lit one up. I have to admit, going out the door to light up was a pain in the ass, and I found myself accepting the ban.
Delaware County has a proposal I believe to ban smoking in taverns.
I believe that it is a good idea, as it would curb me and others from a nasty habit.


  1. Smoking is bad for you. smoking has killed over 10 million people in the US last year alone.QUIT while you still can dude!

  2. She is very pretty indeed. you and her should kick the habit like I did 20 years ago. I have saved thousands of dollars and can afford to do what I want and when I want to.


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