
Hamsher Fever

Jane Hamsher - The most wanted blogger in Delaware County
A few days ago I posted something on both the Haverford Blog and our own forum, telling everyone that I was setting up a blogger meet at a local bar. I also stated that Jane Hamsher (of Firedoglake), Above Average Jane (of Aboveavejane), Akkam (from Akkam's Razor), and hopefully a few others could (not would) be in attendance. I was amazed of the flood of e mails that I received, 23 in all, asking me if Jane Hamsher was really going to be there! Cripes, don't people actually READ? I never said that she was going to be there, I said " Also in attendance could be".. I trully wish Jane would have shown up, but number one, I believe she lives in Virginia! Two, I don't know her personally, and if I did It's not like I could call her up and say: Hi Jane, this is Fran. I'm having a blogger meet at Peabody's and I want you here NOW! Even if I did know her, she would probably tell me to **** off, and I wouldn't blame her one bit. (Us Men are so demanding at times, aren't we?) Finally, I received one e mail from a liberal Democrat asking me if I could confirm that Jane Hamsher would be in attendance. Thankfully I read it and replied that Noooo She wouldn't be there, that I was only kidding! Two people did show up, and we had a good chat, abit brief. The first thing that they asked was: Is Jane here? P.S. I was hoping John Gault would have shown up..


  1. I did start getting calls from people asking me if I was going to be there.

    Next time let me know, I'll make it if I can.

    (the real)

  2. I will do that Jane.. Sorry to have caused you any trouble.


  3. Your a gullible person Franny! That is not the real Jane Hamsher. Just look at her signature; it doesn't match her blogger profile. Jane Hamsher's blogger profile.

    Do you honestly think that she would visit your pathetic rag of a blog?

  4. Anonymous said...
    "Your a gullible person Franny! That is not the real Jane Hamsher. Just look at her signature; it doesn't match her blogger profile"

    Maybe it was her, or maybe it wasn't... Regardless, the next time I decide to have a blog party I will invite her. And I'm far from gullible you idiot. Oh yeah, one more thing. If you think that this blog sucks so bad, then why even read it?


Feel free to post your thoughts... Try to keep it clean.