"Established in 1949 as a forum for discussing differing points of view, the Council does not endorse candidates for public office or lobby for policies. Membership is open to all who share its principles. The Council currently serves over 120 corporate members and their CEOs, and more than 4,000 other executives and individual members."Would have been nice if I was invited, better yet, Bush can come over my house and we can knock back some Budweisers and in no time at all I could maybe get some real answers from him. Cheers.
Bush In Philly - A New Stratergy For The War In Iraq
Airline passenger who made threat killed
Your thoughts? Inquirer.com JOHN PAIN Associated Press MIAMI - A passenger who claimed to have a bomb in a carry-on bag was shot and killed by a federal air marshal Wednesday on a jetway to an American Airlines plane that had arrived from Colombia, officials said. Authorities did not immediately say whether any bomb was found. Homeland Security Department spokesman Brian Doyle said the dead man was a 44-year-old U.S. citizen. It was the first time since the Sept. 11 attacks that an air marshal had shot at anyone, he said. According to a witness, the man frantically ran down the aisle of the Boeing 757 and his wife explained that he was mentally ill and had not taken his medication. The passenger indicated there was a bomb in his bag and was confronted by air marshals but ran off the aircraft, Doyle said. The marshals went after him and ordered him to get on the ground, but he did not comply and was shot when he apparently reached into the bag, Doyle said. Afterward, investigators put all the baggage on the tarmac and let bomb-sniffing dogs examine it in an effort to establish whether there were explosives aboard. Passenger Mary Gardner told WTVJ-TV in Miami that the man ran down the aisle from the rear of the plane. "He was frantic, his arms flailing in the air," she said. She said a woman followed, shouting, "My husband! My husband!" Gardner said she heard the woman say her husband was bipolar - a mental illness also known as manic-depression - and had not had his medication. The plane, Flight 924, had arrived from Medellin, Colombia, at 12:16 p.m. and was scheduled to leavet two hours later for Orlando, American Airlines spokesman Tim Wagner said. "I don't know yet if the passenger had been on the plane and was getting off, or was starting to board the aircraft," he said. The shooting happened shortly after 2 p.m., suggesting the plane was getting ready to take off, he said. About 105 passengers scheduled to fly to Orlando, he said. Martin Gonzalez, spokesman for Colombia's civil aviation agency, said the flight "left normally with no problems." There were only 32 air marshals at the time of the Sept. 11 attacks. The Bush administration hired thousands more afterward, but the exact number is classified.
Remembering Daniel Faulkner
Here's a quote from Maureen Faulkner, Danny's Widow."After listening to six weeks of ballistics, the evidence, the eyewitness testimony, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was Mumia Abu-Jamal murdered my husband." I heard several stories about people threatening Maureen, all because she took a stand against the "Free Mumia" fanatics. Some even called for phyicial harm! On a personal note, I was very good friends with Danny's brother Kenny, who just recently passed away. Kenny tended bar years ago at Pops Barrel Inn, not too far from my old stomping grounds. Every time something would come up on TV about "Free Mumia" etc, he would just shake his head. The stress that the Faulkner family has had to endure all these years must be overwhelming, and in my eyes, contributed to Ken's death.
So what has Mumia been doing all these years? Well let's see. He's still alive. He has managed to write a few books, gain the support of misled people, become an honory Parisian, and is a poster boy for every liberal minded, extreme cause you can think of. Mumia is not the Angel he is made out to be. He was one of the founding members of the Black Panther Party in Philly who were affiliated with the ones who killed Officer Frank Von Colin in 70' BTW, I was close enough to hear the shots that night, as I grew up in Cobbs Creek. Later he became a Move member and a "Radio Personality". I say he grew up a radical moron with a chip on his shoulders. I will not go any further at the risk of being labeled a "Racist" by you bleeding hearts. Just read the facts and you"ll see that Mumia is guilty of cold blooded murder, and deserves the same fate.