Joe Sestak - Affordable Healthcare
Five Years Ago Today - Bringing Closure
Share this film with everyone you know. Watch the whole video to gain knowledge about 911. |
Nazis like Ann Coulter, the heathen who has said this about the four women pictured above who are in also in the video:
"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much. ... And by the way, how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy.... These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them."
This is a perfect example of how "pussified" (George Carlin) Americans have become, to put up with these NeoNazis who twist the truth about what happened on 911, and how the government lied and continues to lie five years later. The so called "911 Commission" thumbed their noses at the 911 families, including local ones right here in Delaware County. Rummy got it right when he said "It will take another 911 to wake people up" . Wake up to the lies that almost 3000 families have heard for the last five years? Or wake up to the fact that America is hijacked.
But not by whom you think.
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Striking The Root On August 22nd
From a Yahoo Msg Board: Recommend this Post Ignore this User Email this Posting Report Abuse Re: NO CRITICISM OF ISLAMIC ATROCITIES! by: yankeerunningdog 08/13/06 11:05 pm Msg: 1631 of 1759 18 recommendations Why is the USA inciting hatred of Muslims all over the world. Bush even used the term ISLAMO FACIST the other day. If anyone said Jewish facist, they would be locked up for hate crimes. Posted as a reply to: Msg 1629 by striykermtPeople like myself are just really getting ticked off about the way the Bush admin has managed to align all these "Muslims" to hate us. I believe that they really don't hate US, per say, only our selected officials. This above comment only re-inforces my belief that America should quit being the watch dog of the world, quit interfering in other countries business, and worry about her own people first. Bush and his cronies have totally screwed up this country. This isn't about Dem or Pub either. Both parties are equal in guilt for NOT doing something radical about the current situation. What we need is new leadership, ones who will take this county away from the corporations, take over the MSM who only release slanted stories of what is really happening in the world, and work for US, the American citizen! On August 22nd, there is a wide growing rumor that world war three will start in the middle east, first by Iran launching SSN-25 Onyx sideburn missles missiles in the Persian Gulf, or something even more devastating. Some "Muslim" holy day also is on the 22nd. Bottom line is that all you know, all you love,Your America may be obliteriated by some nutcase with his hand on a button in a city near you. Remember the SALT treaties that Nixon created? One can only hope that someone with real balls steps up to the plate and takes action against these crazy so called leaders in Washington, Tel Aviv, and Jolly Old England (Yes, the same country that we had our so called independence from.) In closing, I feel enlightened by what knowledge I have gained by being on the net now for 17 years. Forget about BS liquid bombs on domestic Aircraft(A HOAX), I'd be more worried about the next 9-11, that will surely happen to save these thugs in Washington's jobs and thier sick NWO agenda. Good Night.