
Keep It Local - How Comcast Keeps The Competition Out

I use Verizon as both my telephone and Internet access for both my home & business. I have a Verizon DSL connection that on average is 2 times faster uploading than both Comcast And RCN (Both of which I have used at one time or another as my broadband connection.) After reading this article last month I contacted Verizon asking them when they would be installing FIOS in my area. In my opinion, the above web site is nothing more than spreading dis-information about Verizon, and asking people to add fuel to their fire (Or $$$ in their bank accounts)by signing the petition. I do not like internet access via cable. It is like a bunch of rats on the week end all running through the sewer and then stopping to fight over a piece of crap, blocking the rest of the rats from going about their business. Bottom line? Comcast, RCN, and the rest of the "Cable Companies" are trying to suppress Verizon and technology that would improve the consumers life and broadband connection tenfold, and interfere with the bottom line of their coffers.. (As in stocks, etc) Sounds like the oil companies. A dying breed, eh?

Young Votes

On November Seventh, 2006 I spent the entire day at a polling place in Drexel Hill. Of those who came to vote I counted on one hand those whom I considered between the age of 18 and 30. No wonder their issues are given short shift by the elderly politicians. The issues of youth are decided by politicians who forget what it is to strive and succeed at an age where the toughness of living begins. The bottom line, younger voters don't vote. It would take a political scientist to reason why that is. I have my own opinion, but why we don't take that serious problem and make it a top priority. Of course it is every persons right to exercise their vote. The right to vote was fought by those who spilt their blood so we could plot the course of America. History is replete with the freedom fighters who died for our right to vote, Martin Luther King, suffragettes, South African apartheid fighters, the purple fingers of Iraqi voters who risked life and limb to vote. So why are the youth and so many others so apathetic. Are we so caught up in our daily lives to undertake what those before us who gave their lives so we could exercise this most important right. Voting is the ultimate reform. Don't vote and the results are obvious. Apathy and uninvolvement is our Representatives and Legislators best friend. The less you care, the more they can keep you uninvolved, the more their actions are without scrutiny. Voting is the ultimate term limit reform, hold them to the fire and they're out. Look at Bryan Lentz and Joe Sestak. Thus leads me to my proposal to encourage voter participation. Statistics tell us voter participation is at an all time low. We need to reverse this trend, but lifelong career incumbents benefit from smaller turnouts and in many cases thwart turnout for their re-election. My proposal is to educate those who find other reasons not to vote and convince them to do so. I have five proposals to encourage voting. 1. Allow 17 year olds to vote only in primaries. Thus indoctrinating their civic responsibility. 2 .Create a tax credit for casting a ballot. 3. Produce public service announcements extoling the historical value of voting 4. Have the state air appeals to encorade young voters to participate. 5. Address the negatives that occur when uninvolvement and apathy results. These ideas are not borne of my position as a member of the Democratic Party. They are the realization that apathy is a scourge on our society. To be part of a Community entails an obligation to make it a better place when you are part of it. Most of all the young people who follow who will someday thank you for teaching them the value of citizenship that those who have come before you taught you.


KATRINA - Why The EAGLES Were Destined To Lose

The Eagles lost just a few minutes ago in the NFC game, 27 to 24. The Refs called some really shitty calls, especially the one when we were within striking distance with a field goal. These "officials" are bullshit! I think that the National Football League is corrupt and want the Saints to win it all, based on orders of the Chimp in Crawford. Hey, it will have good ratings, atone for the bullshit job FEMA did there with hurricane Katrina, and make NOLA's "Saints" the new "America's Team". I want an investigation on these game officials. Like just where do they live, finanical situations, and their buddies. Face it: The Eagles should have one this game hands down!

The Hawk

Today I was going out my back door to work when I spotted my neighbor holding a camera in his hand. He motioned to me to be still, then pointed to a Hawk, munching on a pigeon. Hawk on fence after car scared him/her Close up of Hawk Munching on the prey.. Ripping it apart I think this one is a male red tail hawk, if anyone could verify it I would appreciate it. I never thought that Hawks would kill pigeons. Field mice, squirrels, or an small rabbit maybe, but attack other birds?


Smoke Out? - Pelosi Get Real!

I have a serious beef with this woman who just was installed as the "House Speaker". Instead of her investigating Bush and Cheney and the other so called "Neo Cons" on war crimes and possible treason charges for the bullshit invasion in the Middle East.. (That's right RWR) She decides to ban smoking some Camels or Luckies anywhere in the Capitol? WTH Nancy! This woman has the balls (like Hillary the lesbo) to say on her first day on the job that there will be no impeachment? WTH did I vote for some of you Demobullcrats for? I want America (As in the U.S.A.) safe from our government bureaucracy, not your "mother countries" that you are so hell bent in putting first! Smoking Nancy? How about the millions of spent depleted uranium shells who's nano particles are circumventing the globe as I type this? How about the millions on cubic tonnes of carbon monoxide gases spewed out of the soccer moms SUV as they drive alone to the hair dresser and give me a nasty look as I flick my cigarette out the window? Do you know anything? Do you care? I thought as much. You and you so called "Democrats" that were recently elected are chicken shits, in cahoots with Bush and his handlers to kill more and more American service personnel, all in the bullshit name of "Freedom" for the Iraqis who are in a civil war amongst themselves. Get out of of the Middle East, forget your dream of making billions on their oil, let the Iraqi's kill each other as I for one of many dont give a shit, nor does most other Americans and espicially YOU. These people have been fighting for thousands of years over bullshit religious crappola, all the while proclaiming "God is great" and "My God's better than your God".. Sound's like that old Ken L Ration commerical, dosen't it? P.S. Go join Arnold Nancy, smoke some Mother Earth...

Feeling Old Feeling Groovy

Natalie and her friends Well last night I took my younger Daughter Natalie (picutued on right with beer in hand) to Thomas's Cafe in Primos for her 21st birthday which was last week. She came down with her friend Kerry ( girl in hat.) My wife, my nephew and his friend also were there. We had a great time, had some food and drinks etc. When I got home I sat down and realized that I am getting old. The music the kids listened to was foriegn -(with the exception of a few Patsy Cline and Kenny Rogers songs) and even the language spoken. I think back 30 years ago and remember how the world looked to me then, and what I imagined how it would be like when I turned 30, not to mention 45.. Well now that I've reached that age I only can look at the future and what it will bring. When I was 21, Ozzy Osbourne was biting off a bat's head on stage, The Faulkand War was happening, Bands like DIO, Toto, and Rainbow were in full swing, a gallon of gas shot up to a buck twenty - five, Ronald Reagan was our president, and David Letterman debuts on NBC after the Tonite Show with Johnny Carson. Our world didn't look so bad back then come to think about it. So how does a twenty one year old see it today?


Sunday Showdown - Eagles vs Giants

Well today's the day that the Philadelphia Eagles take on the New York Giants down at the Linc. I am hoping that the Birds will prevail. New York fans think that the Giants are so good. At 8-8 in the regular season, how can they make that claim? Sure Barber will be a threat, but if the defense can rattle Manning enough, the Giants will be cut down to size. Regardless, it will be a war down there. My prediction? EAGLES 27 Giants 17.


Messing With Photoshop

I wanna be a cowboy baby! Since someone posted a reply about our main pic on this blog having a picture of ChesterBrook on it I had to go into Photoshop 5.5. and fix it up. So I did, I got bored, so I scanned my HD for other pictures to play with. I came up with a picture of Jenna, a MySpace buddy of mine who wears her cowboy hat rather well.. What do ya think?? In other news, our dog Fez is sick again and I hope he is not going through the same thing he had before, if so, I will be forced to put him down as I can't deal with the expense and the heartache of seeing him suffer anymore. Go Eagles! P.S. Anyone looking for a spot on here as a contributor feel free to e mail me. My e mail is on my profile. Cheers.


Ipower, Fellow Bloggers, And Other B.S. Going On

Ipowerweb promised me that they would move this web site to a new server that supports PHP 5.0. They now tell me (After I backed up and then deleted many pages on the main site) that they have no more shared servers available, but I could buy a VPS that supports it. I have already bought a VPS indirectly from them for close to a grand a year. On top of that, all said and done I've spent over $5000.00 for hosting with Ipower with 14 web sites over 5 years. Bottom line? THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR CLIENTS! I am looking for a REAL web host with REAL tech support that do not give you the run around when it comes to web hosting or dedicated server space. In other news, my friend Kate has been dealing with a real scumbag neighbor in the stonehurst section of Upper Darby. Fran to Kate: Call Gil Spencer up if you do not get justice.. You and your children do not need to be subjected to this heathen! Finally? Other Bullshit... As in certain people making a racial "Mountain out of a Molehill". Cheers...


New Years Day 2007

Just wishing eveyone a safe and happy new year. May 2007 bring some sort of peace to this troubled world. Some of my New Years resolutions: Stop posting political and conspiracy rants. (I have my own personal blog to post them on and most people are blind sheep anyway.) Spend more time away from the CPU. (It's affecting my eyesight.) Work extra hard so we can go to Nags Head this summer for vacation. (Haven't been there in a few years and we are long overdue .) And finally? ... Cheers.