
Self Control

Yes, I deleted the post about Iran. I keep telling myself not to post such babble here. So I have a new blog to do that. Cheers.


Abandoned Bunnies

This afternoon my Son and I were cutting our neighbors lawn. Nick had just cut over a section of grass when the neighbor motioned for him to turn off the mower. To my surprise the bunnies were unscathed, huddled in their shallow boro. Four little bunny rabbits left alone to fend for themselves.. Earlier in the week, my wife saw a dead rabbit who was hit by a car at the top of our street. I'm wondering if it was these little one's Mommy. If so, I doubt if they have a chance to live, being that they are so little with no one to guard them or nourish them. We had domesticated bunny rabbits back when we were first married. One of them got pregnant and died after delivering five bunnies. My wife and I tried to feed them everything that we were told to by our vet,but to no avail. one by one they all died of starvation. It was sad and frustrating. What a shame for these bunnies..

Gil Spencer Has A Blog!

I read about it this morning in the Daily Times. Good to see that Gil is finally getting into the Blogosphere. I had e-mailed Gil several times in the past to become a contributor of this blog, but no bites. It would have been interesting to see the comments that would have come after one of his "Bush" loving posts lol. I guess maybe that he had come across one of my posts directed toward him. If so, then I couldn't blame him one bit for refusing. I actually do like Gil, have met him a few times, and thought that his article that he did about Tommy Geromichalos was sincere and started the ball rolling to keep St.Cyril's School open. So I look forward to reading his blog, and maybe post a comment or two. Cheers. P.S. The link to his blog is not working as of 10:50 AM. P.S.S. His blog is up and working.. Find Anyone's Email Address


Weird Things Are Going On

I had made a post last night and today it's gone. I did not delete it. Since Google came out with the "new" blogger interface, I've had nothing but problems. In fact, the whole web site is slow to load. I'll be checking my referrer logs and hopefully get a clue to as why this is happening.


The good things

I agree too much political posturing has dominated the blog. So here is something different. I've lived here my entire life, and I can say it's a good place with good people. Everyone has problems, I look forward to tomorrow, It's the day when anything can happen. I hope to start seeing the positive of Living In Delaware County posted here. Casey


The Revolution Is Here - Ain't No Stopping US Now

I grew up in this era, with the Vietnam war, Johnson, Nixon, draft card burning, anti war, etc and found this video only fitting for the RON PAUL REVOLUTION! Forget about Mitt Romney, he didn't win shit in Iowa, as the investigation on the rigging of the Diebold voting machines will prove. There's NO STOPPING US now, Do you hear that you Dem's with your next "Clinton"?

America needs a drastic change, and you won't see any MSM outlets helping to report the real truth, including the Daily Times. Get out of Iraq and the middle east, quit bowing to Israel, Saudi Arabia and all these "special interest" groups that lobby you senators and congressmen and women, Secure our borders, and for God sakes repeal the Patriot Act and re open the investigation on what really happened on 9-11-2001! Along with it, how about securing our borders, get rid of the Federal Reserve and IRS, and imprison all of the CEO's of the big corporations that have been raping us for decades!

Yeah, that's a tall order to fill, the last President to try to do this was JFK, and look what happened to him. Bottom line is: The "next" 9-11 that happens in this country will be scrutinized, examined, and most of all, disbelieved by a large informed segment of Americans and of course the rest of the world. How we react will determine the outcome of our once Republic, as in the Republic of the United States of America. So I say to you one last time:

Your either with US or against US..

Sound familiar?

White Rabbit

The above You Tube Video is a thing of genius.. I couldn't resist to post this you tube video in what I see are the simarlities between Spock, Kirk, and McCoy and doing some "shrooms". Cheers.

P.S. Grace Slick you are missed dearly. When are you going to do some new stuff?

Invitation to be a contributor of this blog

Being that I'm the only one who posts here on a regular basis without just a political point of view, I am inviting anyone who lives here in Delaware County who has the time and energy and motivation to be a part of this blog. you can blog just about anything, including what's on your mind. There are some rules, like no super duper porn crap (my web host would can me) , or anything deemed illegal (Excluding the current gestapo DHS mandates).. In other words, I put this blog out at first for myself, and then for others.. If the current contributors don't want to post or post just political shit, I guess I'll be deleting everyone and make it the way it was. Why I am doing this is because of a comment from a friend about the blog. She said "You have all those contributors and not a one contributes anything!" This did not go over well with me and I went home and here I am now... So, how about it. If you want to be a part of this here blog and actually post something, send me an e mail explaining why. Cheers and Go FLYERS!


Delaware County For Ron Paul

In an earlier post, I briefly posted on why I think that Ron Paul should be elected president in 2008. After reading about the Iowa Straw Poll, and the fact that I believe it was rigged for Romney, only reinforces my belief that the Republican party needs a major overhaul. Ron Paul is one of three candidates (the other two are Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich, both Democrats), that say that they would bring our troops home from the Middle East. This so called "War" is killing thousands of American men and women. Didn't we learn anything from Vietnam? Look at Russia, who got it's asses handed to them in Afghanistan in the 80's while we funded Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban. Ron Paul will put an end to this. He will not stoop to the big corporate lobbyist. He is against "Nation Building". He respects and says he will uphold the Constitution of the United States, an oath that Bush took and has laughed at ever since. If you really love America, wake up and get involved. I would like to see Ron Paul here in Clifton Heights. I would like to see him as my president in 2008. If you would also like to see him here, click on the eventful picture above. Cheers. P.S. Interesting video about what the Federal Reserve Bank has done with our nations wealth. Click Here.


Landau County Council

DAVID LANDAU FOR DELAWARE COUNTY COUNCIL www.davidlandau.net PRESS RELEASE Contact: George Matysik 610-623-7402 georgematysik@gmail.com For Immediate Release Business and Labor Leaders Unite Behind David Landau LINWOOD, PA- Members of the business, labor, and education communities joined County Council Candidate David Landau on Thursday to introduce his "A New Day in Delaware County Plan." "When are the Republicans going to learn that job creation extends beyond their friends and political contributors?" asked Landau. "We need a responsible county government. And we need it today." "We are trailing our neighboring counties in creating good paying jobs," said Landau. "Yet this Republican administration seems more concerned with giving handouts to their friends. It's right of the patronage play-book, authored by George W. Bush." Landau provided two examples of the Bush-style job creation program. The County Commerce Center provides free banner advertising on their website for the private firms of elected Republican Party and Government officials. Controller Cynthia Leitzell's accounting firm Leitzell & Economidisand Sheriff Joe McGinn's Photo Express Inc. are among the chosen few who receive this free marketing advantage. Rather than being concerned with political favors, the courthouse should be addressing the various needs of Delaware County residents. Delaware County has trailed neighboring counties in obtaining assistance while providing favors for a select few. Key initiatives available to Pennsylvania businesses such as the Opportunity Grant Program and the Small Business First Program have been underutilized by the Delaware County Government. According to the National Association of State Development Agencies, "Pennsylvania has the best-funded business assistance programs in the nation." "This seems to be a disturbing reoccurring theme with Delaware County Council," Landau remarked. "The money is available to us, yet we're lagging behind our peers." "Our population is stagnating, and we're losing business establishments," said Landau. "This trend does not bode well in our favor for the future of Delaware County." Delaware County lost over 8,000 net jobs between 1998 and 2005. 1 of 5 manufacturing establishments has closed its doors between 2003 and 2006. Last month, the Eddystone-based Foamex plant announced it was closing, putting 125 employees out of work. "Good paying manufacturing jobs are leaving Delaware County and everyone at the Media Courthouse seems okay with that," chided Jim Savage, of Steelworkers Local 10-1. Since 1979, the Delaware County General Fund budget has ballooned over 75% adjusted for inflation. "Given the high increase in the cost of Delaware County government, we should expect to obtain the services we're paying for," said Elisabeth Knapp Landau pointed to programs of minimal costs, which form collaborations between area schools and businesses. "We must work together to foster relationships between area colleges and businesses and end the 'brain-drain' from our local colleges and universities," said Landau "We need to hold the county government accountable, and move our economy into the 21 st century."