
Bush In Philly - A New Stratergy For The War In Iraq

I am reading the Daily Times and see that President Bush is in town this morning, to "Articulate" a plan for winning the war in Iraq, according to William Bender, a Times reporter. He is going to address about 600 local people of the World Affairs Council. From their web site:
"Established in 1949 as a forum for discussing differing points of view, the Council does not endorse candidates for public office or lobby for policies. Membership is open to all who share its principles. The Council currently serves over 120 corporate members and their CEOs, and more than 4,000 other executives and individual members."
Would have been nice if I was invited, better yet, Bush can come over my house and we can knock back some Budweisers and in no time at all I could maybe get some real answers from him. Cheers.


Airline passenger who made threat killed

Well now...I guess the idiot should have taken his medication, eh? In this day and age, we can ill afford to take any chances. Kudos to the fed air marshal.

Your thoughts? Inquirer.com JOHN PAIN Associated Press MIAMI - A passenger who claimed to have a bomb in a carry-on bag was shot and killed by a federal air marshal Wednesday on a jetway to an American Airlines plane that had arrived from Colombia, officials said. Authorities did not immediately say whether any bomb was found. Homeland Security Department spokesman Brian Doyle said the dead man was a 44-year-old U.S. citizen. It was the first time since the Sept. 11 attacks that an air marshal had shot at anyone, he said. According to a witness, the man frantically ran down the aisle of the Boeing 757 and his wife explained that he was mentally ill and had not taken his medication. The passenger indicated there was a bomb in his bag and was confronted by air marshals but ran off the aircraft, Doyle said. The marshals went after him and ordered him to get on the ground, but he did not comply and was shot when he apparently reached into the bag, Doyle said. Afterward, investigators put all the baggage on the tarmac and let bomb-sniffing dogs examine it in an effort to establish whether there were explosives aboard. Passenger Mary Gardner told WTVJ-TV in Miami that the man ran down the aisle from the rear of the plane. "He was frantic, his arms flailing in the air," she said. She said a woman followed, shouting, "My husband! My husband!" Gardner said she heard the woman say her husband was bipolar - a mental illness also known as manic-depression - and had not had his medication. The plane, Flight 924, had arrived from Medellin, Colombia, at 12:16 p.m. and was scheduled to leavet two hours later for Orlando, American Airlines spokesman Tim Wagner said. "I don't know yet if the passenger had been on the plane and was getting off, or was starting to board the aircraft," he said. The shooting happened shortly after 2 p.m., suggesting the plane was getting ready to take off, he said. About 105 passengers scheduled to fly to Orlando, he said. Martin Gonzalez, spokesman for Colombia's civil aviation agency, said the flight "left normally with no problems." There were only 32 air marshals at the time of the Sept. 11 attacks. The Bush administration hired thousands more afterward, but the exact number is classified.


Remembering Daniel Faulkner

 This Friday marks the 24 year anniversary of Philadelphia police officer Daniel J. Faulkner's murder by Wesley Cook, better known as Mumia Abu-Jamal. Several web sites are all for Mumia's release, not happy enough that the scumbag's death sentence has been put on hold. Mumia Abu-Jamal is a big cause for various Actors, Musicians and other "Anti death penalty" supporters. He even claims he is a political prisoner! Make one thing clear. The evidence against Mumia is mountainous. The man was convicted in a court of law. He deserves to die for his heinous crime of shooting a man point blank in the face after first shooting him in the back!

Here's a quote from Maureen Faulkner, Danny's Widow."After listening to six weeks of ballistics, the evidence, the eyewitness testimony, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was Mumia Abu-Jamal murdered my husband." I heard several stories about people threatening Maureen, all because she took a stand against the "Free Mumia" fanatics. Some even called for phyicial harm! On a personal note, I was very good friends with Danny's brother Kenny, who just recently passed away. Kenny tended bar years ago at Pops Barrel Inn, not too far from my old stomping grounds. Every time something would come up on TV about "Free Mumia" etc, he would just shake his head. The stress that the Faulkner family has had to endure all these years must be overwhelming, and in my eyes, contributed to Ken's death.

So what has Mumia been doing all these years? Well let's see. He's still alive. He has managed to write a few books, gain the support of misled people, become an honory Parisian, and is a poster boy for every liberal minded, extreme cause you can think of. Mumia is not the Angel he is made out to be. He was one of the founding members of the Black Panther Party in Philly who were affiliated with the ones who killed Officer Frank Von Colin in 70' BTW, I was close enough to hear the shots that night, as I grew up in Cobbs Creek. Later he became a Move member and a "Radio Personality". I say he grew up a radical moron with a chip on his shoulders. I will not go any further at the risk of being labeled a "Racist" by you bleeding hearts. Just read the facts and you"ll see that Mumia is guilty of cold blooded murder, and deserves the same fate.


The ACLU's Holiday Season poem

In keeping with the CHRISTMAS theme that Living in Delaware County posted, I wanted to add this poem that I found at Is this Life, by TrekMedic, who resides in Philadelphia. Twas the night before December 25th and Santa's a wreck... How to live in a world that's politically correct? His workers no longer would answer to "Elves". "Vertically Challenged" they were calling themselves. And labor conditions at the north pole Were alleged by the union to stifle the soul. The runners had been removed from his sleigh; The ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A. And people had started to call for the cops When they heard sled noises on their roof-tops. Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened. His fur trimmed red suit was called "Unenlightened." And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows, Rudolf was suing over unauthorized use of his nose And had gone on Geraldo, in front of the nation, Demanding millions in over-due compensation. So, half of the reindeer were gone; and his wife, Who suddenly said she'd enough of this life, Joined a self-help group, packed, and left in a whiz, Demanding from now on her title was Ms. And as for the gifts, why, he'd ne'er had a notion That making a choice could cause so much commotion. Nothing of leather, nothing of fur, Which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her.Nothing that might be construed to pollute. Nothing to aim. Nothing to shoot. Nothing that clamored or made lots of noise. Nothing for just girls. Or just for the boys. Nothing that claimed to be gender specific. Nothing that's warlike or non-pacific. No candy or sweets...they were bad for the tooth. Nothing that seemed to embellish a truth. And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden, Were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden. For they raised the hackles of those psychological Who claimed the only good gift was one ecological. No baseball, no football...someone could get hurt; Besides, playing sports exposed kids to dirt. Dolls were said to be sexist, and should be passe; And Nintendo would rot your entire brain away. So Santa just stood there, disheveled, perplexed; He just could not figure out what to do next. He tried to be merry, tried to be gay, But you've got to be careful with that word today. His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground; Nothing fully acceptable was to be found. Something special was needed, a gift that he might Give to all without angering the left or the right. A gift that would satisfy, with no indecision, Each group of people, every religion; Every ethnicity, every hue, Everyone, everywhere...even you. So here is that gift, it's price beyond worth... "May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on earth.


It's called CHRISTMAS You Minority!

I agree with this 100 percent. Does that make me a Conservative? No, It's called being an AMERICAN Christian! Christmas Trees Are Christmas Trees "What Other Holiday Uses A Tree?" By Ken Hughes Nov. 30, 2005 We don’t celebrate the 4th of July with a tree, or Easter, or New Years. We celebrate Christmas with a tree so it isn’t a holiday tree after all, so says Dennis Hastert Majority leader of the House of Representatives. Christmas has become a merchant’s holiday, therefore if we were to accept a new definition of the traditional Christmas tree it would be more appropriate to call it a, “Merchants Tree” rather than the “Holiday Tree” either has little to do with religion. It’s a time of year when everyone is supposed to feel good about themselves and their neighbors, It may not always work out that way but that’s the way it should be. 75% of the population of this country claims to be Christian the rest are of other faiths or no faith at all. How can 75% of the population be expected to sacrifice a life long tradition just so they won’t offend 25% who probably celebrate Christmas along with the Christians. If they don’t celebrate they certainly take the day off work. Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan, and Kwanzaa have nothing in common. Hanukkah is the festival of lights celebrating the victory by the Jews over the Syrian in the first century BC. Ramadan is a dedication of faith by fasting, expressing an atonement to Allah. Kwanzaa is a harvest festival held by African Tribes in late October. There’s no reason to connect these holidays together, they have no common association. This is simply a way for the politically correct “I Hate Everything American Crowd” to screw up one more tradition that is American. There’re those who give minorities more rights than the majority. It’s acceptable to give everyone equal rights, It should end at equal, it doesn’t. When one group’s given rights beyond the majority, it becomes discrimination. Discrimination is a highway with many lanes running in many directions and going nowhere. It isn’t any particular group who abject to the name Christmas, African Americans are some of the most enthusiastic supporters of Christmas. Come to my neighborhood and I’ll show you dozens of Little fat Rabbis in red suits with bushy white beards sitting on lawns. Hanukkah trees have become a tradition in America. There aren’t enough people in this country truly offended by Christmas to fill a child’s wading pool. It’s Atheists and the Media who’re encouraging this attack on Christmas. The media for fun and profit, Atheists just because they can. There’s an old adage in the media,” Good News doesn’t sell, blood and guts do.” When it applies to anything negative, the media’s usually out front. According to Time’s 2006 Almanac only 3.7 % of the population would fall in the category of those having a cause to appose Christmas decorations on religious grounds. That leaves 96.3% who want a traditional Christmas or don’t care one-way or the other. More than anything, I believe the assault on Christmas is little more than small groups and individuals creating situations for them to get publicity they would otherwise never get, “Their 15 Minutes of Fame” as it were. There’re people who crave attention but do nothing outstanding to attract attention. They often turn to bizarre behavior as a substitute for achievement. If the media were to act as the fourth estate and report good news along with the bad and the ugly with equal fervor these people wouldn’t stand a chance of expressing their opposition to the trivial. There’s enough out there in the world for the media not to feel compelled to challenge the value of all of our traditions. Many blame the lack of quality of reporting news to the need by the new expanded 24/7 need for product. I say balderdash, there are only so many silk purses in a Sows ear. It’s a lack of commitment to honesty and a poor introduction to gathering facts that guides the media. Thank God, this country’s moving away from the absurdity of Liberal Politics. The public is finally realizing they’ve been had politically for the past 25 years. Some of the good old days will return with the sanity of a constitutional inspired congress. What I have been gathering now for many years is that a few "minority" groups have been trying to get rid of Jesus in America. Well I say to all Americans, "especially to the mg's" and to the rest of the world, Have a Merry, Joyious and Peaceful CHRISTMAS Season! Cheers!


Wait..who are the terrorists again? Oh yeah, us.

From the AP: Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant. Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats. "This is an in-your-face type of strategy. It's letting the terrorists know we are out there," Fernandez said. --------------- So the Miami Police is now an occupying force keeping the terrorist citizens at bay. In other news Miami citizens are now prohibited from walking around in public without an arm band signifying their political affiliation, sexual preference, practiced religion and domesticated animal preference all in the name of Homeland Security. One official noted "an ancillary benefit of this program is it makes dating that much easier". I ask again, who are the terrorist? Bin Ladin? The Police? Us? My cat? Everyone? Well, everyone except politicians...


Camp out for Hunger

Every year radio personalities Preston & Steve from WMMR have a "Camp out for Hunger", which will help those in need here in the Delaware Valley on behalf of Philabundance. For those of you who can help, stop by from Monday, December 5th at 6am until Friday, December 9th at 10am at the Metroplex Shopping Center on Chemical Road in Plymouth Meeting, and drop off a can or two to help feed a family. Here's an article from the News of Delaware County letting everyone know that food is needed as much as ever. For those of you that read here, have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving. :)

"Diagnosis: Critical"

"Diagnosis: Critical" Mental Health Series This is a six-part series regarding mental health and the terrible tragedies that occur when treatment isn't rendered or followed through with, most recently and notably the murders in Drexel Hill committed by Michael Rafferty. It's a long series from The Daily Times, but well worth the read.


The Right To Travel Freely In America - DENIED !

I just received an email from someone about a woman named Deborah Davis. She's a 50 year old woman who was using a Public mode of transportation (A Bus) to get to her job. This is a tidbit from her web site: "The bus she rides crosses the property of the Denver Federal Center, a collection of government offices such as the Veterans Administration, the U.S. Geological Survey, and part of the National Archives. The Denver Federal Center is not a high security area: it's not Area 51 or NORAD." "On her first day commuting to work by bus, the bus stopped at the gates of the Denver Federal Center. A security guard got on and demanded that all of the passengers on this public bus produce ID. She was surprised by the demand of the man in uniform, but she complied:" And this: Suddenly, the second policeman shouted "Grab her!" and he grabbed the cell phone from her and threw it to the back of the bus. With each of the policemen wrenching one of her arms behind her back, she was jerked out of her seat, the contents of her purse and book bag flying everywhere. The cops shoved her out of the bus, handcuffed her, threw her into the back seat of a police cruiser, and drove her to a police station inside the confines of the Denver Federal Center. Once inside, she was taken down a hall and told to sit in a chair, still handcuffed, while one of the policemen went through her purse, now retrieved from the bus. The two policemen sat in front of their computers, typing and conferring, trying to figure out what they should charge her with. Eventually, they wrote up several tickets, took her outside and removed the handcuffs, returned her belongings, and pointed her toward the bus stop. She was told that if she ever entered the Denver Federal Center again, she would go to jail. So what did she do wrong? Well she refused to show a "Security guard" her I.D. and was arrested. I'll not delve into this any further, suffice to say that America is becoming a communist/facist country in my opinion, all in the name of "Freedom" and "National Security". Do you realize what this means? It means that any so called " Peace Officer" Including those Blackwater people can detain, arrest, and possibly make you just disappear without anyone being notified or any legal representation. The fact is? It's called kiss your rights goodbye as an American citizen. Here in Delaware County just the other day they, The Upper Darby Police Deptartment and their new Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood, conducted a "DUI" checkpoint, or better described as a "Roadblock", to catch people doing illegal things. I am personally for this, being that it was done in a straight-forward way, late at night, and netted results. And, It is very different than what happenned to Ms. Davis. She was using public transportation, not driving, which under Pennsylvania law is classified as a "Privilege, not a right". I say this sharade has to stop. Just visit her web site and read it. Decide. Are you ready for this?Are you ready for YOU to be treated this way? As a "Terrorist? I would love to hear your opinions on this. Amuse me.


My First Post...

...and although a short one, I hope I won't let you all down. Kudos to Upper Darby Township for hosting the counter-terrorism simulation drill last Friday at the high school. I know there were also other areas that had the same drills, from Philadelphia to all the way down in Georgia. Let's just hope that everyone (Police, FF, Paramedics, Dr's & nurses) really took in and learned all the things they needed to know in the event of a REAL tragedy, which would be absolutely devastating to the township. For those interested, you can read the article from the News of Delaware County here. ~kk