
Blog Contributors Needed

To our existing contributors: How about posting something? I cannot stand seeing only my own posts here, as they make this blog look way too one sided. I know that a few of you have never posted here yet. Maybe you do not know how, or don't care to.(In that case please let me know, so I can remove you.) I feel that with a big election coming up here in November bloggers on both sides of the issues at hand should be able to post their thoughts. To our readers: If your serious about being a contributor to this blog, please e-mail me and I'll send you an invitation from Blogger. When you receive it, please follow the instructions. Cheers.


  1. Two Interesting Days

    It was not the best weather this weekend to knock on doors and introduce myself, but the welcomes made up for it. I got a great response, a few people were not receptive, but even they were kind enough about it.
    "Good luck Kid", OK, thanks.
    I'd say I got to about 100 or so houses and spent a few minutes at most and lots longer at others. There are some very nice people in Delaware County. It's truly interesting meeting so many different people. In most cases I learned more about them than they about me, but as I went along I realized that was the real value. In Millbourne, a woman originally from Panama gave me the history of the Canal. A man in Upper Darby whose wife was homebound due to a stroke and spends her day in a wheelchair looking out the new picture window that he put in for her. In East Lansdowne a big family, at least five happy young ones, who got a big kick out of throwing Nerf balls at me. I mention these three in particular because they were so different and similar at once. Different incomes, outlooks, opinions, ups and downs, yet they all wanted to make the best of what they had. One traveled to Wilmington by carpool for work but hoped to find a job closer to home. The woman in the wheelchair had good doctors and expensive presciptions to fill, she was trying to figure out the Medicare maze hoping it would help with the bills. The big family was doing alright, the father did say that his property taxes were getting too high, he's hoping they won't go higher and maybe even go down.
    I'll be getting around more as the days go on and I'll try to contribute as I can. If this weekend is any indication of what's to come then I'm very encouraged. There's a lot of good here and a lot can be better. See you soon.

    Casey Roncaglione

  2. Fran,

    I know I've been MIA the past few months but I am getting back into blogging. I just had a LOT going on with my brother staying with me and then with my son being operated on, it's been really crazy.

    I promise to contribute more in the very, very near future. Just please bear w/ me - and if that's not ok, no worries about removing me from the blog.

    Hugs to you. Hope everything's going ok.

  3. I know about your hardships and am sorry you are going through them. No worries Kate, I was not implying about you or Playing In Traffic. The others I will delete, as they have never contributed nothing.

    Feel free to post anything thats on your mind. This is your blog. It also is for PIT, Casey, anyone else who wants to post.

    P.S. Hope things look up, my prayers are with you and yours.

  4. You must be a horrible electrician if you have time to post this many messages on this blog... Get to work and off the internet Mr. Ward


Feel free to post your thoughts... Try to keep it clean.