
Cheney: Right Again? Sound Off On This!

Quote from today's Daily Times Sound Off by an either some person who listens too much to Fox News, or the Big Talker, or just a person in the 3rd stage of senility. "Dick Cheney says there is no civil war going on in Iraq. What we see now is a last desperate attempt by terrorists to ferment unrest in that area of the world. With Dick Cheney's track record, just let me place full faith in anything he says. I agree 100 percent with Mr.Cheney and I feel anyone who disagrees with him is unpatriotic. If anyone disagrees, I'd be happy to hear from him or her." Oh really? Well, I'm here and I as a TRUE Republican or better yet AN AMERICAN, think your a MORON! Dickhead Cheney? Mr deferred stock options over ten years with Halliburton, who in turn has made zillions of America's working stiff's tax dollars while providing shit for what they were hired for? You heard it from me, right here. P.S. Your probably too stupid to know how to use a computer.


  1. Wouldn't it be cool if the Daily Times had an "Internet" sound off where we could respond to that type of bullshit?

  2. We do have our very own "Sound Off", a part of the Delaware County Forums.

    Delaware County Forums


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