Happy Birthday Mr. President
Today is July 6th, 2005. Today is George W. Bush's 59th birthday. In his 59 years, he has been involved with several failed oil businesses, arrested for drunk driving, accused of being AWOL from the Air National Guard, owned a baseball team, executed hundreds of people while governor of Texas. He also is accused of stealing two elections, doing nothing after America was "attacked" on 9/11/01, and going to war without authorization of Congress.
Today is also the day that my father died. in his 74 years he was a tail gunner in World War 2 (RAF), shot down over Germany, spent 8 months in various "Luftstalags", made his way to America, joined the U.S. Army in 46', shipped out to Korea in 50', fought in yet another war, wounded and bloodied, sent home, arrested for drunk driving, had a few failed businesses of his own. was in the VA at Coatesville. Played the violin and accordion, enjoyed fishing.
In the end my dad to me was an honorable man. He was diagnosed of having pancreatic cancer at the VA hospital in Philly. He spent several months in agonizing pain, then died on July 6th, 1997. Why God picked that day to take him is anybody's guess. But I now have a feeling that it was a sign. A sign of things to come in the world that would make Nostradamus's head spin.
R.I.P. Dad.
Who Cares About Disney Anyway?
I am a suscriber to Link Share, a popular web based company that offers commisions from various "consumer companies" for adding their links. You will see a few on our index page. I have made bacially zilch from this, but they say that some people make money. The below email was sent to me today.
We regret to inform you that Disney Movie Club (Buena Vista Home
Entertainment) has temporarily removed you from their Affiliate Program.
Merchants may remove affiliates from their programs for many different
reasons, including violation of legal terms, inactivity, changes in site
content, etc. If you feel that you have been removed in error, or would
like further clarification on why you were removed, please contact
LinkShare manages hundreds of other affiliate programs. We encourage
you to log in and find other programs with which you may want to
Best Regards,
The Disneymovieclub.com Affiliate Management Team
Who cares? I never even added a link to them. If I added every company that I signed up with I would have over 300 links. Much too many for me to sort out. Just venting a bit before I go to bed.
Live 8 on non-music tv & July 4th
Ok, so Live 8 went off pretty well. Except for one thing. How can an apolitical event, meant to spread the word and drum up support for poverty stricken nations in Africa, become a ratings seeking venture? Why was only MTV allowed to air live performances on TV? And true to the non-music television form they spent most of it interviewing people, talking with each other on 'what a great day this has been', and spewing out commericals!? How could they not let local stations broadcast! This was a charity event to raise awareness afterall wasn't it? Yeah you raised my awareness, my awareness of how much I lament MTV. How do you cut The Who off? Wait, how do you cut off Pink Floyd!?!?! I mean, it's Pink Floyd!
Kudos to AOL for having great coverage, allowing AOL users to switch between venues and even posting when performers were up next. Makes me wish I overpay for internet service (wait, I have Comcast, so I guess I do). Jeers to MTV for once again proving music television doesn't broadcast music.
And Cheers to Aston Township for another great fireworks display. Last year it was raining shells & embers, an anomoly we enjoyed actually. This year? Well I'm not sure if it was accidentally or done purposely but one firework seemed to go off a bit too close to the ground. I think the effect was a 3D dispersion going up and out; but, it seemed to go off either on the ground or inches from the ground, instead of feet. Either way a good show. It seems this year they added a whole bunch of touches: garbage cans, a DJ, food/drink at the concession stand on the football field. Why go into the city when I can lay down on a blanket and have the fireworks go off directly above me?
Happy Birthday Nessie
Earlier tonight Vanessa, or "Nessie", her friend PJ, Her sister Erica and Boyfriend Dustin came over to watch the Clifton Heights Fireworks. Nessie asked my wife where I was, and she told her I was up in bed sleeping. I had a rough day of partying, and was resting for the fireworks. Vanessa decided to come up and jumped on the bed beside me and woke me hell up. I didn't even recognize her. She looks great. she has a glow around her, and I was curious as to know why.
You see, the last time I saw her was in March, as I visited her brother, Robbie. She was kind of down and out at the time, and it was quite obvious, even to me. But tonight she was different. She met a good man. His name is Derek. A good guy I'm told, and I believe her and I am happy as hell that this special woman to me has finally found a good man to spend time with her! (Am I boring you all yet?)Well we all went to the fireworks, and they as always were awesome! Clifton puts on the best display. We did see Collingdale's from a distance, and to me they were quite a sight.
It' has been a great fourth of July, I took someone's advise and fired up the BBQ, forgot about George Bush, and enjoyed having people visit us who I love.
Happy Birthday Vanessa. Keep in touch.
Independence Takes On A New Meaning
My sons and I went fishing yesterday, out on Ridley Creek Rd. Fran caught a fish, it was a sunny. I remember when my Dad and I would go out to what we called "The Water Works", right off of Baltimore Pike and Ridley Creek Rd. That's were we were initially heading. There are no trespassing signs all over the place. So, we wound up at the other site.
Just a heads up for anyone thinking of fishing at the Springton Reservoir. It's off limits. Seems that Good old DHS decided that Anglers may pose a "Terrorist Threat". I think that this is a bunch of bullshit. Americans are losing freedoms in the guise of retaining them. If that makes any sense at all. So, Tomorrow is our "Independence Day". Independence from what? England?
Oh well. Just remember to wave the flag and be sure to spy on your neighbor. He or She may be one of those al-Quida types, or may be a sympathizer. Hell, you may even get a call from your local congressman telling you, Good Job!
What I am trying to say is that since the faux 911 affair, I have seen this country turn into a police state with big business owned by non AMERICANS ruling with an iron fist. After August, you will find it way harder to just file for bankruptcy. Own a home? TPTB can take it from you to build a mall. Want to go to abroad? Be sure to get strip searched, especially if your a young woman. Bush the other day used 911 and terror as his favourite words in his speech to the troops several times.
Informed people know that another "Leader" used these same pep talks in his quest for justifying war. I will bet that the draft comes back, that gasoline reaches three bucks a gallon, that there is some other "Staged terrorist event" just to keep you sheeple in line.
Happy Fourth of July.
Sick To my Stomach
Lately I've been rather disgusted with the news I been watching and reading.Three young boys found dead in a trunk in Camden, Natalee Holloway still missing and now the father of one of the original suspects arrested, and locally, two guys impersonating cops try to abduct a young girl into their van.
The three young boys in Camden, were found in the trunk of a Toyota by one of the victim's father. Why this happened to these kids is anybody's guess, but I suspect that yet another sicko is roaming around the area. Regardless, a tragic ending to yet another quest of hope that they would be found safe.
On to the Holloway issue. This has me as I read somewhere, "Pig Biting Mad". As I stated earlier in another post, If Natalee Holloway was a black girl from Chester High School, this NEVER would have made the world news, and dragged out like it is on CNN and FOX news. But the issue still is that yet another young lady goes missing in Aruba, a so called "Paradise Island". And me? I suspect that the kid killed her. He then called his dad, and then the guy in the party boat took her corpse way out to sea, weighed it down, and dumped it overboard. Maybe I do watch to much TV after all.
This happened a few blocks from my home and my son's buddies were the victims in this alleged case. Two "men" trying to act like undercover cops decide to get themselves a girl that what I believe was to rape and maybe worse. All this happening behind the Pizza Hut/Burlington Coat Factory on Baltimore Pike. There is Putt-Putt back there also, and I've taken my kids there several times, as well went there to "Hang Out" when I was in my teens.
These three stories let me and you know that the world is not a safe place to live anymore. You cannot go out to play in the summer sun like all young kids want to do, you can't go on a vacation after graduating high school, you can't even "Hang Out" with your friends..
And I thought the seventies were bad.
Nice Day For ..
Beautiful day here in Delco. So many things that one can do. Should I work today? Nah. I think it's time to go to the pool. I hope it's heated..
Peeple Are Sheeple
Eariler tonight I had stopped in my local watering hole. A man I'll call "Mr.B" was watching the TV and discussing Terry Shriavo. He blurted out "That Shriavo guy is guility of Murder!". I looked over at him and asked him where he got his information from to form his opinion. He told me he listens to Talk Radio. Ah, good old 1210 WPHT "The Big Talker". Starts off with Michael Smerconish, a guy who I used to listen too, until I heard him morphing into a Bushford wife. Move on to Glenn Beck, the man who wants to kill Michael Moore. (Transcript of his May 17th, 2005 raido show attaining to just that.
BECK: Hang on, let me just tell you what I'm thinking. I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out -- is this wrong? I stopped wearing my What Would Jesus -- band -- Do, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, "Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore," and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realize, "Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death." And you know, well, I'm not sure.
Ok, so he has it in for Moore who I think is an (expletive)also. Then we have Rush "Oxycontin" Limbaugh, the fatass blabbermouth who if George Bush ever shot someone on national television, Rush would pop a few more oxy's, go on the air, and spin the hell out of it to make it look justified. (Sort of reminds me of Joseph Goebbels.) Hannity? Mr.Agenda. He calls it "America's Agenda" but I know it as PNAC's agenda, you know, bring about a "New Pearl Harbor" and bomb the hell out of Iraq and any other "Evil Nation" in the name of winning the war on "terror". Dom Giordano? I have no idea why he would stoop to even associate himself with 1210.
The bottom line is that all of the above align themselves with the so called "Republican" Machine in Washington. (This Republican does not.) If you call with an opposing view, you will be laughed off the air, or denounced as some wierdo liberal. The fact that you are reading this gives credenance to you being more informed and broadminded, not like Mr.B. Most People are Sheeple in America when it comes to what is really going on in the world.
Picture of the "King Of Spin" Dr. Joseph Goebbels.
It's time we all wake up here and take a stand. America is losing it's "War on Freedom" Right HERE. Right NOW.
Nick Micozzie - My State Representative
I just received a newsletter via my e mail from my state rep, Nick Micozzie. I just wanted to also set the record straight in regard to those who question his sincerity. Although I do not personally know Mr. Micozzie I have both followed his political career and have voted for him every time without fail. This guy does care about the people in his district. It is well known that if you have a problem that needs to be addressed Nick will help you out in any way he can. (Regardless of what party your affiliated with.)
So with that I give you Mr. Micozzie's Newsletter.
Let's set the record straight. The Democrats are making false claims to distort my voting record. They are saying that my colleagues and I voted against a bill to increase the penalties for theft of firearms. That's a lie. House Bill 1025 would impose felony penalties for:
· Theft of a rifle or shotgun, and
· Receipt of a stolen firearm by individuals not previously involved in criminal enterprises.
Quite simply, this bill will reduce firearms violence by putting criminals in jail for gun theft. These penalties include up to seven years in jail and a fine of up to $15,000.
These increased penalties (felony level) for gun theft were approved and sent to the Senate for consideration. Just for the record, I nor any of my colleagues were "instructed" by the NRA. In fact, they weren't even involved, not that it would have changed my vote.
Either House Democrats need to check their facts or they just don't care about firing off such gross misrepresentations of my voting record. This legislation is in the best interest of law-abiding Pennsylvanians. It will help keep our families safe from crime and violence. I voted in favor of it. Period.
District Address, Phone Numbers
Harrisburg Office - 105 Ryan Office Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-783-8808 Fax: 717-783-0688
District Office - 6 South Springfield Road,
Clifton Heights, PA 19018
Phone: 610-259-2820 Fax: 610-259-7019 Hours: M-F 9:00 - 4:00
I do agree with Mr.Micozzie on this bill. But one thing that I would be worried about is that say one (like myself) bought a used shotgun at a flea market. The gun turned out to be stolen. That that make me a felon? Should I do 7 years for buying a gun that I had no way of knowing at the time that it was in fact previously stolen? Would the courts even care? Maybe, maybe not. But the bill to me is in the whole a good one, and I'm in disbelief that the Democrats would stoop to lying to gain ground.
You know I never really did grasp the two party system. I mean, we are all Americans, right? So shouldn't politicians put aside their partisan fluff and do what is best for ALL the people? What do you think?
Anybody Hear About This?
From Yahoo News:
The U.S. Army's plan to destroy VX nerve agent stockpiled in Indiana and ship the chemical byproduct to New Jersey to be dumped in the Delaware River may not completely remove all traces of the deadly chemical, the government says.
So where are our local politicians at?
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