
I'm Sick

Yes, for three days now I've been steadly getting worse. A flu in the middle of the summer is not what I expected. I am so tired as of late, I cannot sleep at all. The meds do nothing for me. I am going to try to get some work done today for sure.


Truth, Lies and the coming elections...

THEM'S FIGHTIN' WORDS By Jay O'Three WASHINGTON, DC - 7/11/04 Today, Tommy Ridge of the Fatherland Security administration and John ASSCROFT of The Department Formerly Known as Justice proclaimed that we are not even entitled to an election next November 2. Although we predicted this eventuality on April 1 of this year, the two of them have now actually begun exploring the legal means to prohibit Americans from voting The MORONARCHY out of power. They claim this stems from their intense fear of a terrorist attack, even though President MORON insists every day that "Amerkins are safer today than ever before." Well, them's fightin' words. There will be an election, or there will be an insurrection. Either way, The MORONARCHY must end. Well, I am divided on this site. Part of me laughs at this late hour, the other cringes at the prospect of it being the truth. But I am comforted by the fact that Delaware County is full of devoted conservative people. Translated: If things locally are ok, what the hell, vote for Bush. After all, it's the delconian thing to do you know... And while were on the subject of conservatives, Gil Spencer is losing it. This guy is so right wing it's pathetic. But then again, look who he works for...     The Chimp has got to go. Sign on McCain and We"ll vote. Niters.


Here's An Interesting 911 Tidbit

In the week before 911, there was a 1200% increase in trading activity of orders to go short on the stocks of American and United Airlines. Going short is betting the value of a stock will go down. 98% of the activity came from one investment firm - Deutsche Banke /AM Brown -The former CEO and Chairman of that firm -----George Tenet Posted on yahoo message boards... Well let's talk about 911 for a moment. We were all horrified that day to what was transpiring in front of us. I remember driving on the Blue Route going to an estimate in Radnor. I arrived and my fellow master electrician Anthony Tori  told me what was going on. It was about 10:00. We walked into the building and watched the 2nd plane hit the building. A wave of panic hit me. We were under attack.   I was numb and didn't know what was going on. Were schools in Delaware County next? I left and went to Super Fresh in Manoa where my wife Liz was working. When I arrived, she was out back sitting in the car listening to KYW. Like me, she was worried and fearful for our children at school.  I told her that I was going to pick them up as her boss Bob Witt told all the employees they couldn't leave.   As I arrived at Garrettford elementary school there were other parents already in the lobby. I went in and had to sign a "emergency sick leave note" to get them out. One teacher (I won't mention her name) said that we (the parents) were "Over Reacting".  Well, if we were next to be attacked, I wanted my sons with me at home.   Anyway, as we left the school, my younger son Nicky asked me what was going on. I told him nothing was. The first lie. We went into WAWA and bought some coffee and candy and smokes.  went home and watched the TV all morning and afternoon. Liz came home from work later and the rest I won't go into as you all experienced it in your own way.   So, here are some facts concerning 911.     The night before, on September 10th, President Bush and his staff stayed at the Colony Beach Resort an upscale and relatively pristine tropical island enclave located directly on the Gulf of Mexico, a spindly coral island ... Off Sarasota, Florida." [AP, 07/29/01] .   After a private dinner with various Florida politicians (including his brother Jeb) and Republican donors, Bush went to bed around 10:00 p.m. [Sarasota Magazine, 11/01, Washington Post, 1/27/02] Surface-to-air missiles were placed on the roof of the resort [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/10/02], and an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) plane circled high overhead. [Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism - From Inside the Bush White House, by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 25] It's not clear if this type of protection was standard for the president or whether security was increased because of possible threats.  Since when does the President's staff go around placing AA guns of roof? Is that standard procedure?  The next day, at Booker elementary school, President Bush seemed perplexed as he was told about the aircraft hitting the second building's what did the Commander in Chief do with the knowledge that the United States was under attack? He did nothing. Bush did not say one word. He did not ask Card any questions. He did not give any orders. He did not know who (or which country) was attacking, whether there would be more attacks, what military plans had been taken, what military actions should be taken - indeed, he knew virtually nothing about what was going on outside the room. He just sat there.  If we were "Under Attack" like we all thought, then why the null responses?

The Pentagon, Norad, and standing down:  Now why when our government knew about four aircraft being off course, and after the first impact, did they do nothing? Over an hour with not one fighter being scrambled.  I could go on here, but I just get upset about all of this. More questions in a nut shell.

Who shorted the stock the day before? How do buildings "Collapse" like that? Why was the Media so quick to label Al-Queida? Why were the five Israelis in New Jersey let go? Who had the most to gain financially?

Enough rambling... And I welcome all replies.


Delaware County

I finally figured it out. All you have to do is put the words Delaware County like this in your blog and hope other people with blogs link to yours. It also helps if you list things to do in Delaware County, such as go ice skating at the Skatium. Or maybe go to the Media Courthouse and watch a trial. Any word that you link to your homepage will work. Even if you think that George Bush is an Idiot, and will never win against John Kerry in November, its safe to say that with the GOP leaders in Springfield, like Charlie Sexton, and Gil Spencer (My old buddy) at the Daily Times, President Bush WILL be Re Selected, er, I mean Elected.   So, what else is new? Oh yeah, I didn't go to the Clifton Heights Swim Club today because of the Chemtrails. Ha Ha. Lets see if by next week Google and Yahoo search engines move my link up any when you type in the search Delaware County.   Cheers.   P.S. Mike, Give me a call tonight or tommorow on the land line.

Testing and stuff

 Pay no mind to this. I am trying to get google to place my web site number one with the words "Delaware County". Currently, The Court House in Media has it. I am no where to be found. I wonder what I did wrong?




You really should read this blog

Seriously... Lately it is getting out of hand but thank God the Admin's are intellegient .     Some Excerpts... BackRobertGuest Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #158 on: Jul 14, 2004, 6:19pm » we can have free speech but we should have the right to edit content of non residents.i know you are now alligned with this dangerous person and you also take your marching orders from andy lewis but even you must admit that we have a right to demand order on here.it's like the commissioner's meetings where we control not what is said but the order of how it's done.i demand order on here and i demand that a non resident like that who only wants to make trouble be controlled.do you think she would get away with what she does here at the commissioner's meetings?lets see if this blog is really a free speech medium or as many say it's owned by Andy Lewis and is run out of a law office in Philadelphia.Maybe the owners should be forced in court to reveal where the server is for this website and who is paying for it. IP Logged BackRobertGuest Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #159 on: Jul 14, 2004, 6:32pm » everyvoter5-4 so you can't take the heat?you liked it when no one was on here defending the republicans but when someone comes and stands up to fight you tell people to  ignore the person.you little coward.can't you fight your own battles?you can't fight back because you can"t match our arguments.you fear us and you should because most of us have been doing this for 30 years.we know this town and its people and that's why we win elections.what election have you ever won?   we will crush you people and the republicans will increase our votes on the board next year.Andy lewis and you and all the democrats can go lick your wounds.Sure go ahead make believe i am not here but that won't help you little scared person who is afriad to fight.the fight is real and if you won't fight step aside before we run over you.you make me laugh you blast a good boy like robert for weeks you spread vile rumors about all of us and now when i walk up and slap you in your face you run away crying.you are nothing.you couldn't carry the Judge's gym shoes.Go away little coward and let the adults work out the problems. IP Logged cfqgopYaBB Junior MemberIndependents minds always succeed!!!    Gender: Posts: 10 Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #160 on: Jul 14, 2004, 10:45pm » "BACK ROBERT" - You want people like Donna Lewis to be banned for using names to describe the 5 Commissioners. She is not far off what she is talking about I agree with her  comments. However you go along and call her a COWARD. Isn't that in violation of what you stand for. I do not know how you can defend Clouse/Robby C./Lynne C./Judge Lisa/George/Carol/Fred/Steve/Joe. Especially Lynne Cohen she is pulled nothing but bad moves such as the illegal petition in May 2003 in the 7th ward, the Absentee ballot of her mom, and she'll get away with everything b/c of Clouse. The Clouse days are going to come to a quick end. And than what will Robby, Judge Lisa, and Lynne do then.  Keep up the good work all you bloggers keep the Clouse/Cohen problems in the media show them how corrupt the Haverford Township government is b/c of them and the 5. IP Logged Donna LewisGuest Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #161 on: Today at 1:07am » Back Robert:All 23 of you!  Can you tell us how hard the taxpayers will be hit when the bill comes due for da birdboy's health care costs?  BlogAdmin 4 edit: malicious, unsubstaniated innuendo.  Word is little Leo wants to do right by the avian boychild.  Please tell "Da Mamma"to order edit generic brands so the taxpayers can save a little money. IP Logged Reality_CheckYaBB God    Posts: 111 Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #162 on: Today at 2:47pm » Quote:  I also want a rule that only haverford residents are permitted to write on the blog.Non residents would have to submit their post and then a group of residents which would include both sides would review the submission and edit it if need be.  I certainly don't agree with this - not to mention that I'm sure it would be hard to implement (and review submissions from non-residents?  I guess that is an attempt to shut down the Blog - can you imagine how time consuming that could be?)  I do think it would be a good idea if posters were required to register.  And can't it be set up so only one blog name can be used on a given computer?  (i.e. if you try to log on your computer using a different "shill" name, your post is automatically denied because it recognizes you as being already registered under your original name.)  This could help prevent someone from using multiple aliases.     Sheesh... Can't we all just get along?

Pot A Toe

Well now, it's quite early in the morning and I am awake. Yesterday, while at work at one of the schools installing lights in a new classroom, I spotted the below. (Thanks for the picture Mike) Now, I ask you. Is Dan Quayle working there? Really. I try my hardest to spell check everything I publish, but this coming out of a school is hard to belive! The good thing is that with a utility knife and whiteout, it can and will be fixed the next time I visit. For curiosity sake I did a google search on the word "potatoe" and what comes up fourth? You guessed it. Moving right along, I am reading the Daily Times at this early hour and see that an Ex-Nun has been convicted of molesting a then 10 year old student back in 1970. I attended a catholic grade school and never had any nun make a move on me other than to slam me into a black board or whack me with one of those pointers. (Lucky Me.) Needless to say, I hope the old perv gets what's coming to her. There has been a rash of pedophiles in the area lately. Most members of our web portal (All three of them)know about the old man behind my house who is a convicted child rapist. They also know that I have had words with him a concerning my younger daughter. What amazes me is that most pedophiles do NOT believe they are doing anything wrong. This asshole behind me will strike again, and until then he supossedly has rights. Yeah, you read it right, RIGHTS! Enough about this guy, he ain't worth the effort. That's about it, my coffee is ready. Have a nice day.



I have a Chemtrail group up on yahoo if anyone is interested. Don't belive in them? Join and post why. On a lighter note, I found a picture that I took of my wife Liz. Very chilling to see those once beautiful buildings standing tall. I won't go into why I belive that they were imploded and such things today.


Pete Ward - Remembering my Dad

It's been 7 years since my Dad passed away. Funny how it still bothers me. I thought that I was over it but find that I have a heavy heart. My Dad was 74 years old when he died of Pancreatic cancer. I remember him being in terrible pain. My Dad and I were close as father son relationships go, but in the early years, he was always out drinking. It got so bad that he wound up in the VA hospital in Coatesville and then to Haverford Mental hospital for alcohol treatment. I guess after serving in WW2 where he was a POW in Germany and Korea where he was wounded would make anyone abuse the stuff. Finally, in 1970, he quit. I remember going out to Liberty Bell race track and then dining at the Mari Nay diner. Boy he gambled a lot! My summers consisted of working for him cutting grass on the main line. He had over 60 lawns, but I remember one on Coopertown Rd. The residence was the Millers. They were about the nicest people to my Dad, and he appreciated them as he would remind me just about every other week. He was most off all well know in the Irish community as an excellent violinist and accordion player. He loved his music, and the people he played with. Mary & Kevin Mcgillin, Barney Boyce, Pat Collins, and Vince Gallagher come to mind.. I had good memories of my Pop. Rest easy Dad.


Haverford Marine injured in Iraq

Seems that this "WAR" will never end.
Haverford Marine injured in Iraq 07/04/2004 By KATHLEEN E. CAREY kcarey@delcotimes.com HAVERFORD -- Two days after three members of the Marine Corps Reserve Unit from Folsom died and two others were injured in Iraq, a Marine from Haverford was seriously injured after his vehicle ran over a land mine. Cpl. Jason Michael Simms, 26, was serving with Delta Company, Third Platoon, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion,stationed outside Fallujah on July 1 when he and three others riding in a light armored vehicle drove over the mine. One Marine from Tennessee died. One suffered minor injuries, and the other two, including Simms, continue to be treated. "We don’t know the extent of his injuries," his dad, Jim Simms Jr. said. Jason Simms’ parents do know their son is stabilized after surgery in Iraq. They said he has shrapnel in the left side of his body and has been quarantined to prevent infection to his burns. On Thursday, the Simms’ were told Jason would call. "We still haven’t heard from him," Jim Simms said Saturday. "We should have heard from him by now." The family waits by the phone. "It’s like all this going on with the Folsom guys and then this the next day," Simms’ mom, Mary Jean, said from her Grand Avenue home, as two Marine Corps flags flew outside. The Simms said their son will be moved to Germany once he’s stabilized. "He could be on his way there now or it could be in 24 hours," Mary Jean said. "We don’t know when. From Germany, he’ll come back to the states." The 1996 Haverford High School graduate joined the Marines that following January. "He said he was interested in the challenge," his father said. "He mentioned he wanted to serve the country. And, because ‘Once a Marine, always a Marine.’" Simms’ parents were surprised, but they supported his decision. After serving in Hawaii, Jason signed up for another tour last September. "He missed it," Jim said. "He liked the camaraderie." In February, Simms went with his unit to Iraq to replace the Army’s 101st Airborne Division, rejecting a Jacksonville, Fla., assignment. "He had a chance to get out of it," his mother said. "(But) he’d rather stick with his unit." Before he left, Jason encouraged his parents to get passports so they could go to Germany in case he was injured. And although he is en route there, his parents have been told to stay in Haverford in anticipation of his homecoming. His mom remembers learning of his Iraq deployment. "Just like everybody, you think he’ll be fine," she said. "You don’t expect him to get hurt." His dad said, "It’s where he wanted to be." In a letter to his sister, Lindsay, Jason wrote, "You don’t know how lucky you are to live in America." When American troops went door-to-door looking for Saddam Hussein, Jason saw a woman with four children and a baby lying on the floor in a house the size of his Haverford bedroom. Ascertaining that the baby was in bad shape, Jason gave them whatever food and water he had. Jason last talked to his parents on Father’s Day, wishing his dad the best and aching to be with his 4-year-old son, Jason Jr. "Obviously, we are hoping to hear from Jason pretty soon," Jim said. "It’s something you always thought about. It was no consolation for me to hear him say, ‘Don’t worry about me.’ That’s like saying ..‘Don’t snow.’" If he could see the second of his four children, Simms said, "I wouldn’t say anything." All he would do is embrace his Jason, to envelope him, showing him the love and pride a father has for a son. ©The Daily Times 2004