In the week before 911, there was a 1200% increase in trading activity of orders to go short on the stocks of American and United Airlines. Going short is betting the value of a stock will go down. 98% of the activity came from one investment firm - Deutsche Banke /AM Brown -The former CEO and Chairman of that firm -----George Tenet
Posted on yahoo message boards...
Well let's talk about 911 for a moment. We were all horrified that day to what was transpiring in front of us. I remember driving on the Blue Route going to an estimate in Radnor. I arrived and my fellow master electrician Anthony Tori told me what was going on. It was about 10:00. We walked into the building and watched the 2nd plane hit the building. A wave of panic hit me. We were under attack.
I was numb and didn't know what was going on. Were schools in Delaware County next? I left and went to Super Fresh in Manoa where my wife Liz was working. When I arrived, she was out back sitting in the car listening to KYW. Like me, she was worried and fearful for our children at school. I told her that I was going to pick them up as her boss Bob Witt told all the employees they couldn't leave.
As I arrived at Garrettford elementary school there were other parents already in the lobby. I went in and had to sign a "emergency sick leave note" to get them out. One teacher (I won't mention her name) said that we (the parents) were "Over Reacting". Well, if we were next to be attacked, I wanted my sons with me at home.
Anyway, as we left the school, my younger son Nicky asked me what was going on. I told him nothing was. The first lie. We went into WAWA and bought some coffee and candy and smokes. went home and watched the TV all morning and afternoon. Liz came home from work later and the rest I won't go into as you all experienced it in your own way.
So, here are some
facts concerning 911.
The night before, on September 10th, President Bush and his staff stayed at the Colony Beach Resort an upscale and relatively pristine tropical island enclave located directly on the Gulf of Mexico, a spindly coral island ... Off Sarasota, Florida." [
AP, 07/29/01] .
After a private dinner with various Florida politicians (including his brother Jeb) and Republican donors, Bush went to bed around 10:00 p.m. [
Sarasota Magazine, 11/01,
Washington Post, 1/27/02] Surface-to-air missiles were placed on the roof of the resort [
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/10/02], and an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) plane circled high overhead. [Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism - From Inside the Bush White House, by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 25] It's not clear if this type of protection was standard for the president or whether security was increased because of possible threats.
Since when does the President's staff go around placing AA guns of roof? Is that standard procedure?
The next day, at Booker elementary school, President Bush seemed perplexed as he was told about the aircraft hitting the second building's what did the Commander in Chief do with the knowledge that the United States was under attack?

He did nothing.
Bush did not say one word. He did not ask Card any questions. He did not give any orders. He did not know who (or which country) was attacking, whether there would be more attacks, what military plans had been taken, what military actions should be taken - indeed, he knew virtually nothing about what was going on outside the room. He just sat there.
If we were "Under Attack" like we all thought, then why the null responses?
The Pentagon, Norad, and standing down: Now why when our government knew about four aircraft being off course, and after the first impact, did they do nothing? Over an hour with not one fighter being scrambled. I could go on here, but I just get upset about all of this. More questions in a nut shell.
Who shorted the stock the day before? How do buildings "Collapse" like that? Why was the Media so quick to label Al-Queida? Why were the five Israelis in New Jersey let go? Who had the most to gain financially?
Enough rambling... And I welcome all replies.
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