
Pot A Toe

Well now, it's quite early in the morning and I am awake. Yesterday, while at work at one of the schools installing lights in a new classroom, I spotted the below. (Thanks for the picture Mike) Now, I ask you. Is Dan Quayle working there? Really. I try my hardest to spell check everything I publish, but this coming out of a school is hard to belive! The good thing is that with a utility knife and whiteout, it can and will be fixed the next time I visit. For curiosity sake I did a google search on the word "potatoe" and what comes up fourth? You guessed it. Moving right along, I am reading the Daily Times at this early hour and see that an Ex-Nun has been convicted of molesting a then 10 year old student back in 1970. I attended a catholic grade school and never had any nun make a move on me other than to slam me into a black board or whack me with one of those pointers. (Lucky Me.) Needless to say, I hope the old perv gets what's coming to her. There has been a rash of pedophiles in the area lately. Most members of our web portal (All three of them)know about the old man behind my house who is a convicted child rapist. They also know that I have had words with him a concerning my younger daughter. What amazes me is that most pedophiles do NOT believe they are doing anything wrong. This asshole behind me will strike again, and until then he supossedly has rights. Yeah, you read it right, RIGHTS! Enough about this guy, he ain't worth the effort. That's about it, my coffee is ready. Have a nice day.

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