
You really should read this blog

Seriously... Lately it is getting out of hand but thank God the Admin's are intellegient .     Some Excerpts... BackRobertGuest Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #158 on: Jul 14, 2004, 6:19pm » we can have free speech but we should have the right to edit content of non residents.i know you are now alligned with this dangerous person and you also take your marching orders from andy lewis but even you must admit that we have a right to demand order on here.it's like the commissioner's meetings where we control not what is said but the order of how it's done.i demand order on here and i demand that a non resident like that who only wants to make trouble be controlled.do you think she would get away with what she does here at the commissioner's meetings?lets see if this blog is really a free speech medium or as many say it's owned by Andy Lewis and is run out of a law office in Philadelphia.Maybe the owners should be forced in court to reveal where the server is for this website and who is paying for it. IP Logged BackRobertGuest Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #159 on: Jul 14, 2004, 6:32pm » everyvoter5-4 so you can't take the heat?you liked it when no one was on here defending the republicans but when someone comes and stands up to fight you tell people to  ignore the person.you little coward.can't you fight your own battles?you can't fight back because you can"t match our arguments.you fear us and you should because most of us have been doing this for 30 years.we know this town and its people and that's why we win elections.what election have you ever won?   we will crush you people and the republicans will increase our votes on the board next year.Andy lewis and you and all the democrats can go lick your wounds.Sure go ahead make believe i am not here but that won't help you little scared person who is afriad to fight.the fight is real and if you won't fight step aside before we run over you.you make me laugh you blast a good boy like robert for weeks you spread vile rumors about all of us and now when i walk up and slap you in your face you run away crying.you are nothing.you couldn't carry the Judge's gym shoes.Go away little coward and let the adults work out the problems. IP Logged cfqgopYaBB Junior MemberIndependents minds always succeed!!!    Gender: Posts: 10 Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #160 on: Jul 14, 2004, 10:45pm » "BACK ROBERT" - You want people like Donna Lewis to be banned for using names to describe the 5 Commissioners. She is not far off what she is talking about I agree with her  comments. However you go along and call her a COWARD. Isn't that in violation of what you stand for. I do not know how you can defend Clouse/Robby C./Lynne C./Judge Lisa/George/Carol/Fred/Steve/Joe. Especially Lynne Cohen she is pulled nothing but bad moves such as the illegal petition in May 2003 in the 7th ward, the Absentee ballot of her mom, and she'll get away with everything b/c of Clouse. The Clouse days are going to come to a quick end. And than what will Robby, Judge Lisa, and Lynne do then.  Keep up the good work all you bloggers keep the Clouse/Cohen problems in the media show them how corrupt the Haverford Township government is b/c of them and the 5. IP Logged Donna LewisGuest Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #161 on: Today at 1:07am » Back Robert:All 23 of you!  Can you tell us how hard the taxpayers will be hit when the bill comes due for da birdboy's health care costs?  BlogAdmin 4 edit: malicious, unsubstaniated innuendo.  Word is little Leo wants to do right by the avian boychild.  Please tell "Da Mamma"to order edit generic brands so the taxpayers can save a little money. IP Logged Reality_CheckYaBB God    Posts: 111 Re: Evil, Clues, and Ephemera« Reply #162 on: Today at 2:47pm » Quote:  I also want a rule that only haverford residents are permitted to write on the blog.Non residents would have to submit their post and then a group of residents which would include both sides would review the submission and edit it if need be.  I certainly don't agree with this - not to mention that I'm sure it would be hard to implement (and review submissions from non-residents?  I guess that is an attempt to shut down the Blog - can you imagine how time consuming that could be?)  I do think it would be a good idea if posters were required to register.  And can't it be set up so only one blog name can be used on a given computer?  (i.e. if you try to log on your computer using a different "shill" name, your post is automatically denied because it recognizes you as being already registered under your original name.)  This could help prevent someone from using multiple aliases.     Sheesh... Can't we all just get along?

1 comment:

  1. You got a lot of nerve! Talk about trolls???? Fact:You don't live in Haverford so you should not be allowed to post in our blog.you are the troll and both you and donna should be banned from ever posting again on the blog.I am sure that others would go with me on this.


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