Showing posts with label delco courthouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label delco courthouse. Show all posts


Delco Dems and Censorship in Delaware County

It's been awhile since I posted anything "political" here, but this is a reminder to ALL Delconians of just what the Delaware County Democratic Party is all about. If you do not agree with them, especially if your a Republican or Conservative or even have no real political affiliation, they WILL censor you on their Facebook Page and God knows what else. A little backstory on this that leads me to believe why they blocked me. I was informed by Google last October, before the November elections, that someone put in a "complaint" about this blog, that it was biased towards Democrats.

Google just let me know through my blogger interface, where I have a few blogs dating back to 2002. I dug a little deeper and found that it was a specific page that since been mysteriously deleted.

Fast forward until yesterday. I'm having my usual dose of the Coronavirus pandemic, how some feel that it's fake, overblown, our freedom is gone, etc, etc. So it led me to the "Official" Facebook Page of the Delaware County Democratic Party, called the Delco Dems. It's was created in July of 2009.

I was logged in on facebook under my "Franny Ward" account, one that I've had since 2007 when I clicked on the link to read through and then reply to a few posts. Here I am BLOCKED from replying or posting anything on any post. Ok I thought. I'm not a member or anything, then I realize it's a Page, not a Group. There is no "Membership" required.

Funny thing is? I never posted anything there ever. So just WHO's feather's did i rattle? guess I will have to go through every post on this blog and try to connect the dots.
Here is a screenshot from my Franny Ward account.

And here is one from my "other" account.

For them to block me like this just reinforces my distrust of local Democrats in general. and we won't even get into the George Soro's "Affair" with them here locally, one where they magically swept Delco up in their "Blue wave". One where they took County Council, The DA's office, and a shitload of local representatives from the Republicans. 


The Future of the Delaware County GOP

With the May Primary fast approaching, I am curious to see how our local Republican candidates fare. The Republican candidates are as follows:

For Governor:
Samuel E. Rohrer
Tom Corbett

For Lieutanant Governor:
Steve Johnson
Jean Craige Pepper
Russ Diamond
Chet Beiler
Stephen A. Urban
Daryl Metcalfe
John Kennedy
Billy McCue

United States Senator:
Pat Toomey
K. Peg Luksik

US Representative; (District 7)
Patrick Meehan

State Representative; (District 163)
Nicholas A. Micozzie

Corbett, Toomey, Meehan, and Micozzie I can relate to and am voting for. As far as the Democrats, who knows and who cares? If the Democrats gain control of Delaware County, specifically Upper Darby, you can bet that the township will be annexed into the City of Philadelphia. Don't believe me? Well look it up. The city has swallowed townships like Northern Liberties, Bristol Township, Roxbourough Township, Delaware Township and many more here.

Imagine losing their Police and Fire Departments, Departments of Sanitation, Public Works, and the School District. If you think the township has gone to the dogs now, just wait until November. My advice? Vote Straight Republican in November!


Martin Luther King Tribute From My Friend David

Yeah I have a diverse field of friends too. My friend from You Tube sent me the below video. I have something to add below - Some of you may know what I'm talking about. To you stuffy racist "anonymous" people who have a problem with my views both here and over at the increasing liberal Democratic (What a joke, you censor me to no end as of late Haverford Blog) - either email me, or call me.. Or haven't you got the guts to face me one on one? What a joke! While I'm at it.. To my sister Kathy. Loose lips ship sinks.. Or in your case, get you fired and possibly put behind bars. Better think twice about how you respond to people and treat them in this age of computers, texting, e-mails, caller ID.. You get it? I got it all. Cheers.