
Advertizements and other annoying things

Quick note: I added a Fredricks of Hollywood Banner on my blog so that all of you can click on it, buy lots of stuff for yourself and significant other, and make me filthy rich. I then can just sit here in front of my puter' every day instead of doing real work and drink beer and eat pizza and become a fat slob. Seriously, I hate ads of all sorts (Except the FOH ones that have hot looking women in them.) Another thing I would like to mention that when I am on the Yahoo groups like in my Chemtrail Evidence Group and such, this ad pops up for balding men. Another one for dating. Over and over. It used to be that Kramer guy (Who could use a head of hair himself.) Anyway I found this funny at first, until I was tipped off by an article about web beacons. You see, when you join Yahoo you agree to let them implant these beacons into your computers. Then they track you everywhere you go, and every site you visit. Far more accurate than a web cookie, they then can match what ads to show you in an instant. The good thing is that you can opt out of them. The bad thing is that they only opt you out of the specific computer, not by your user ID. They also let other companies use their web beacons on you. They even use them in html formatted email messages. So just where can you go on the net without being tracked? I'm afraid nowhere. Even my site has cookies, put there by my advertizers. There is a program that is called the "Proxomitron." It is a wonderful program that can do the following. (Taken from their site) Stop windows that pop-up, pop-under, or pop-over Stop those un-closable endless banner chains Stop pop-up JavaScript message boxes Remove web-branding and other scripts tacked on by "free" web providers. Convert most ads and banner pictures into simple text links Freeze all animated gifs Make blinking text appear as bold instead Remove slow web counters Stop web pages from "auto-refreshing" Prevent pages from changing fonts Get rid of or replace web page background images Protect against getting "trapped" inside someone else's frames! Make all frames resizable Close top or bottom frame banner windows Protect against getting "trapped" inside someone else's frames! Make background MIDI songs play only when you choose. Remove status bar scroll-texts Remove "dynamic" HTML from pages Disguise your browser's identity and version from JavaScripts Remove style sheets Un-hide URLs when the mouse is over a link Disable frames or tables altogether Change or delete cookies Change your browser's user-agent and other identifying fields Hide where you've been previously from inquisitive web servers I tried it, and after a bit of tinkering, got it to work. The only problem was, when veiwing my own web site, it blocked all of my ads. This made my site look like crappola. But I still recommend it. Check it out here.

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