I was just watching a news conference from Florida from the Father of Jessica Lunsford. I feel badly for this guy, as well as the rest of his family. Why was it that the pig who raped and murdered his daughter even out on the streets? He was arrested 24 times for various things, including carrying a concealed weapon,indecent exposure, and in 1978, during a house burglary, grabbed a young girl and started kissing her on the lips. According to what I read, he was sentenced to 10 years but only did two.
This piece of shit above should have been put in a wooden box a long time ago. I loathe these types of sub humans. I also happen to have one living right behind me. I wrote about him before, but TPTB contacted me and basically told me to edit my post so as not to include his Name. Now that the
Pennsylvania State Police have his mug shot and name on file, all you have to do is look up 19018 on the site and click under Clifton Heights (Where I live). This old prick raped and molested a relative (She was 9) for years from what I'm told.
He currently goes about free and seems to go out in his van around 3:30 pm. I trailed him one time and saw that he parked near St. Eugene's Catholic School in Primos. What was he doing there? What was he thinking when young girls walked by from school? I don't know. He could have just been visiting somebody or some other excuse. I don't trust him nor believe that he is "rehabilitated". But our good ole' court system protects these cretins more than the victims.
Note the warning on the State Police Website before you even entertain thoughts of harrassing these pigs. The law is on their side. But it's ok for them to entertain thoughts of sickness while looking at school girls.
I'm not in the business of being a Cop, but I did inform a neighbor of his who works in Media. I do not trust these animals. Their minds are made up and fucked up. I am disgusted with these scum. In my opinion, a confessed/convicted pedophile should be locked up on an island with other pedophiles. Where? It's called Guantanamo Bay. Let the CIA/Mossad/MI-5 or who ever are interrogating the current prisoners there have em to torture. Or, you could always revive the French penal colony of Pappion and put them there.
I added this very inportnant link.
If everyone who reads this post put this code on their web sites and PC's and told their friends about it we could possibly save a childs life. Maybe yours.
Click here for the Amber Alert Code.
Kill all the SOBS!
ReplyDeleteYou have got to be kidding me! There is NO naked "girls" or any thing of the sort on here. Do do you condone what the dirtbag Couey did?
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I had the chance to work with a guy who had recently emmigrated to the U.S. from the former Soviet Union. He spoke broken english buy was trying real hard to learn the language and would carry his English/Russian dictionary around w/him all the time. After working w/him for about two years his english improved greatly and we would ask him about things in Russia. One day over some beers after work at happy hour I happened to ask him about Capital Punishment in the Soviet Union, he wasn't sure what I meant but after flipping thru his dictionary he gave out a small chuckle. I asked what was so funny, he went onto explain that the fact that the U.S. "Coddles" criminals who commit murder, rape, child molestation, etc. is the reason we keep seeing so much of it and that these illegal behaviours won't stop until we adopt a soviet era solution. My fellow co-workers and I were captivated at this point and we asked him to explain. He went onto state that in Russia a person suspected of child molestation would go in front of a tribunal of three judges within two weeks of arrest, the trial would last no more than one day, if found guilty of a capital offense such as murder, rape, child molestation, the convicted individual was immediately taken out of the court room to an execution area where a court appointed marshall would tell the convict to knell on the ground where a gun would be placed to the back of thier head and executed. Our russian friend laughed and said, "Until you adopt a system like this, you'll have the vermin pray on the victims" He went on to further mention that there was no recidvism issues in Russia over capital offense crimes. This country has to commence to executing these vermin, they are untreatable and should be terminated.
ReplyDeleteRight on. Russian law in these matters should be adopted in the U.S. I am tired myself of hearing that these scums are themselves being "victimized" by the public.
ReplyDeleteFuck em, take them out back and put em down like you would a rabid dawg.
Amen to that sht kill them all.
ReplyDeletei'de like to see a group of fairly intelligent men come together and cooperatively begin to erase these creatures from existence.a little bait and catch--and they just disappear.concrete's a great way to dispose of the refuse.these creatures are destroyers- not people, i feel no remorse for thier demise.
ReplyDeleteOh i agree everyone. Seriously punish molesters like the criminal mentioned on this article. But do you want to eradicate people who happen to love Children and do not have children of their own? Do you know it's mostly illegal for a lone person to adopt a child, due to such hysteria? You see, the Nazi style reponses this subject provokes from otherwise sane people, is always shocking. Intelligent and loving people? When you read all the "Kill, Castrate, Execute" language, it makes you think they are hypocrites. Out there, are many people who love Children and enjoy contact with them. They wont molest them. They wont harm them. They love them and admire everything about them. Nowadays, a man hanging around a child he is not related to, is immediately hung drawn and quartered in the minds of hysterical people who are led like sheep by the media industry to connect molesters with them just for "looking" at a child. Nobody will take the time to stop and think before calling for brutal punishment. Such hysterical reactions are from the Dark Ages. I agree, punish molesters and those who harm children. NOT Childlovers.
ReplyDeleteQuote From Andy: "Out there, are many people who love Children and enjoy contact with them. They wont molest them. They wont harm them. They love them and admire everything about them"
ReplyDeleteSo Andy, then you believe that it's "ok" for this type of "Jacko Jackson" mentality? Nambla come to mind? Children are not toys or pets have contact with. Your statements are strange. Child Lover? Like a Dog Lover? Please elaborate further.
People that hurt children should be punished of course whether they are straight, gay or otherwise. You guys always see the articles about pedophiles that hurt children. Well, I'll bet you there are just as many if not more rapes and murders caused by heterosexuals than any other group. Yes, it is worse that it happens to children but to say that we're all like a bunch of killers is just wrong. I'm not a killer. I'm also not someone who advocates the death penalty; I dont' rant and rave about killing ANYBODY or putting ANYONE on an island and leaving them there like a bunch of hairy, drunken rednecks. It just seems like everything and anything upsets your little sense of security any issue that is taboo cannot be discussed and you just box away so essentially you are not alive mentally. And when I ask YOU PEOPLE what you think about pedophilia or or homosexuality you say the stupidest shit like "Well...uh...it's wrong and disgustin'...cuz thuh Bible says it is....somewheres...and...I dunnno....sumpin'". You are all so brainwashed into believing everything that is different from you is wrong. You have no sense of internal logic, it's been scrambled, fried and charcoal grilled by all the prevailing attitudes. I see it all the time when I look at a guy and there's that little nervous absence of thought or feeling as if they just stepped through the wrong door and are trying not to get caught as they slowly back out again.
ReplyDeleteWhat right do you have to impose your judgements on my affections for children?
You are all BORING and STUPID and I HATE YOU.
ReplyDeleteA visitor from www.nafclibrary.org (
arrived from images.google.com pedophiles 1-20,
and visited www.totallydelco.com/blog/2005_03_01_archive.html
at 04:05:18 PM on Saturday, November 25, 2006.
This visitor used Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727).
I think that it is bull shit that these dirt bags get to get out of prison. They should be left to rot and die for the poor liitle children they hurt and for the lives they may have taken! Kill them all!
ReplyDeleteFucking animals need to be exterminated. Nambla and Boystown USA are a massive pedophile ring that also needs to be brought down. Polititions and anyone else involved need to be hung from the gallows and their testicles sliced open beforehand.
ReplyDeleteSo it has been written.. So it shall be done.
It is faulse hood of modern living that pedophile's cannot be cured of there moral failings, there's been an effective cure for such things, for centuries, a 100% effective cure, they use to call it fire, and lots of it. Harsh scentences are too weak, and too slow, what we need is neither harsher sentences, nor war, we need an open and complete Kull!, they'd do the same to our children in the blink of an eye, and masturbate about it later, I do not acknowlage their right to exist, and I beleive purging them by fire is the right thing to do, so that not even genetic material of them is left.
ReplyDeleteOh, you guys are being silly. There's a difference between a pedophile and murderer and rapist just the same as there is a difference between heterosexuals and murderers. I'm a pedophile and have had many long term relationships with my cuties that I've adopted and raised. Love is not a crime and mutually pleasurable and agreeable sexual contact two people is never wrong. In fact, it's quite wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that people have been brainwashed to think that pedophile means molester, rapist, kidnapper, or murderer. It's simply not true. There are millions of us, do you hear? Millions. We quietly carry on long and loving relationships with our cuties all the time and will continue to do so. You can post all the threats and calls for torture all you want, it just makes you look like reactionary, uninformed jackasses.
You have created a sick society where a man punching a little girl in the face would get probation and anger management classes but a man kissing one on the behind as she flirts and giggles with him would get 20 years in maximum prison.
You people are the sick ones, not me.
Oh by the way, I'm the pedophile poster from above and FYI, I'm using a public wireless connection. So you can post all the 'gotcha' IP's you want, I'll always be ten steps ahead of you morons. (I'm also well-versed in all aspects of computer security and online anonymity).
ReplyDeleteThe people that you guys usually catch are not really pedophiles. In fact, the majority of children molested are molested by 'situational predators' - just heteros who molest when the situation is easy for them. They are not self described pedophiles like me. The guys going to meet people on the internet, the ones molesting their neighbor kids or step daughters, that's the ones who are doing it. Not me. You'll never hear about my relationships. Why? Because they are mutually enjoyed and welcomed. My girl loves me and I love her. We express that love together and I take care of her. Sex is only a small portion of the expression of our love. I don't molest or rape her anymore than you guys molest or rape your wives.
Real pedophiles like me are living all around you quietly going about their lives. We usually adopt children or take in homeless children or the children of parents too poor to take care of them. They welcome our help and we become a part of their family and help take care of their families. That is the reality of what is going on. We do not lurk in parks or lure girls to meet us at McDonald's over the internet. Those guys are scum bags and belong in prison.
I live in South America and I can guarantee that if you visited me on my ranch and met my current 10 year old lover and saw how happy she is and how much in love we are, you would all get a better perspective of pedophiles and begin to understand. Also, I would show you the ongoing relationships I have with my past lovers who are now grown and consider me their father; they visit at least once a month and are part of my extended family.
I'm sure you'll respond with the usual, 'we will track you and hang you...blah blah blah" but I'm sure at least a few of you will consider a new perspective.
Again, I completely agree that the people who kidnap and molest and kill children belong in prison and I do everything I can to help them lock them all up. But they do not represent me any more than Charles Manson represents you.
No your not from SA and you are a sick motherfucking prick who needs a bullet between the legs and another between the eyes.
ReplyDeleteYou honestly believe that it's "ok" to have sex with 10 year olds? What gets me is that there are many people in high places that are into this deviant behavior and no one can touch them. Well guess what Mr.pedophile, Due to the current bullshit gas prices in the US coupled with the soon to be depression will only make people like me more willing to vent our anger on Cunts like yourself as in killing you slowly. And if you think for one minute I am not capable of it your DEAD wrong.
Watch your back, not her's.
For your information folks not all pedo's want to be what they and try hard fight it. Many of such want to get help and badly want get rid of such urges. But that hate and flak they would receive keeps them in hiding. Stop associating pedophiles with murders they are not the same. Those who rape and kill children are both Child Molesters AND Murders.
ReplyDeletepedophiles need help not execution you barbarians. And for the record pedo isn't genetic its a psychological issue.
Well I hate to burst your bubble, but if I were to have a child, i would sure as hell not want you around him or her. So where is the closest school in Westland anyway? I'm sure you know.
ReplyDeletei live my life on a daily basis of never knowing if ill get through the next day or this,i was abused by two different people ,it began at the age of 6 ,and ended when i was 13,my life has been ruined,i suffer depression,have had 4 failed marrieges,suffer panic attacks,and have to have strong medication on a daily basis,i suffer insomnia and also agrophobia im fighting daily to stay alive,as ive tried to kill myself many times,how are these peple allowed to do this to us ,as children,surley we deserve more protection,and what is that dirty bastard on here saying about loving a 10 year old,i cant believe it ,some one needs to help,im heartbroken reading this,never mind about them,and protecting them,what about us,the abused