
Fed The Fuck Up

That's right, I am. Although I had a wonderful time with my family this week end I find that I am becoming more and more fed up with what I see happening in the world around me. The Terry Schiavo thing, the problem I have in collecting $$$ owed to me now for 2 months, the Iraq war, the triple murder north of me by yet another freak, and a general incepted of all politicians both locally and around the world. Terry Schiavo should never have been in the national news spotlight to begin with. This is a family thing, not a circus. As I watched asshole after asshole plead for her life I wondered just what the hell these people do for a living. Are they professional paid protesters? Or do they need mental help? Even Terry's brother told them to GTFO of the parking lot. The people that owe me either a large check, or an explanation. More on these people at a later date. Iraq? Pitiful. The big headline tonight on the tube was about a OIL PIPELINE being blown up, and that IRAQ was losing money because of it. Yeah right. You mean the oil companies get yet another excuse to raise your price at the pump. (Just wait till Russia and the rest start trading euros for barrels.) The triple murder? Yet another low life protected "I had a bad childhood" scumbag who allegedly killed two sisters and one of the woman's daughter, who was only three years old! The "alleged, yeah right" scumbag, John Charles Eichinger, 33, was seen by a neighbor leaving their house wearing a bloody shirt. If I saw him, I would have thought's of slicing his ass up like he supposedly did to these young women and a young girl for Christ sake! Piece of shit! but let me remind you that he is "Innocent" until proven guilty. I will watch this very closely. And finally? Politicians. How do they feel being whores? I mean, just think about it just for one minute. Lower than any of the above, these SOBs would sell their mothers for a vote. How they get this way is a mystery. At first, most of them really wanted to change America and their constituents living conditions. But then, they as I believe, are taken aside and "shown" the ropes. They either play ball or suddenly find themselves on the short end of a long pier. At least I can sleep at night. Good Night.


  1. One of the girls killed was a very good friend of mine. I share your views of what type of justice this piece of trash really deserves. We must see true justice take place here, those girls did not die invain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. I won't debate the fact that what happened was a tragic and horrible thing, and that he should be punished. However, one of your assumptions is completely inaccurate. He in no way had a bad childhood, nor did he try to use that as a defense. I happen to know for a fact that he had what some might call the "perfect" childhood. Two parents, still together, active in their community in a nice house in the suburbs. He was a boy scout and his parents never had any trouble with him. That is....til that day. There is no excuse for what he did, I'm not trying to justify it by any means. Just make sure you know what you're talking about.

  3. He still needs a bullet.

  4. OHH MY God ,, Yes ,, Yes yes

    you wanna make out?

  5. I actually knew John Echinger. I used to work with him at the grocery store....and i knew the first girl he murdered. I went to school with her. SHe was such a sweet girl, used to give me hugs all the time. The guy needs to die. It makes me sick that they're appealing the death penalty....because they need to re-look at the death penalty and see if its a humane way to die.....SERRIOUSLY? This guy brutally stabbed 4 people, a 2 year old little girl....and they are wondering if dieing by lethal injection is humane? give me a break! I believe in an eye for an eye. The guy should be brutally murdered just the way her murdered those women!


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