I've been interested in the up coming election for Delaware County Council in November now for a few months, thanks to David Landau moving into my town of Clifton Heights. I have visited both parties web sites, and although both talk a good talk, Fizzano Cannon, McGarrigle, and Lewis of Delco 2007 have EXPERIENCE and have served Delco well according to my observations, abit some issues that I'll describe below.
Wasteful Spending:
To David: Why spend how many thousands of dollars to rent a campaign HQ here in Clifton? That is wasteful spending. Myself and other people residing in the "Blue Collar" section of Delaware County are quite content with the way things are running, and do not want to see Delco be consumed by Philadelphia, like it did to Mayfair, Roxborough, and the greater northeast, an agenda that you Democrats have been trying to do for decades!
Response to your Problem:
I asked Nick Micozzie to look into a matter concerning a neighbor, and he responded. So did his Son and also Tom Judge, all Republicans serving Delco. They actually responded to me, so I in turn feel that they are worthy of being elected. That's what gets people elected. To be fair to you, your spokesman, George Matysik, has responded to me via email in a positive way, and insists that you are sincere in your ambition to serve us.
There is one issue that David brought forth, that has me interested. "The one trick pony issue" mentioned as the title to this post that has me interested in him. It's called Cronyism. I know of several people who own companies who have a lock on contracts in the county and have had for years, and why they do is not a secret anymore. Unfortunately, this issue is a non issue, as most voters in Delaware County are not self employed, and couldn't give it another thought. Another thing is the issue of Upper Darby, once a decent place to live, now turned into an extension of West Philadelphia. David, what would you be willing to do to resolve this?
Number ONE Problem:
What I want County Council to do is to BAN Section 8 housing in Delaware County. Period. Scumbags who play the system represent over 95 percent of the applicants. Our so called "Tax Dollars" fund these people, while people like myself, pay top dollar to live in the area, not to mention NO HEALTH CARE. These are MY issues, and many other voters who will decide the outcome in November. Enough of ranting tonight, I need to find some work to do tomorrow as a self employed electrician so I can pay my bills.
Links to the candidates for Delaware County County Council:
David Landau
Just kidding, here's the real link to David's web site..
10/8/2007 - *NEW* Ann O'Keefe for Delaware County County Council!
Andy Lewis, Tom McGarrigle, Christine Fizanno Cannon
Here's a blog that has a world of opinions on the above issue.
The Haverford Blog
Any other canidates running for County Council, etc, come this November please e mail me and I'll be most happy to add your link tho this post!
Hamsher Fever
Welcome to the United States of America!
It's Because We RULE!
Number of Lefties Bounces Back
By Andrea Thompson,
LiveScience Staff Writer
Lefties have been bouncing back in recent decades, following a decline in the beginning of the 20th century, a new study shows.
While lefties currently make up about 11 percent of the population, earlier studies found only 3 percent of those born in 1900 were left-handed. These claims led Ian Christopher McManus of the University College London and his colleagues to learn more about this change.
"Left-handedness is important because more than 10 percent of people have their brains organized in a qualitatively different way to other people," McManus said. "That has to be interesting. When the rate of a [variable trait] changes, then there have to be causes, and they are interesting as well."
To tease out the cause of the lefties' decline in Victorian times, the researchers looked at a series of films made between 1897 and 1913 by early filmmakers Sagar Mitchell and James Kenyon, whose body of work forms the largest collection of early non-fiction films in the world.
McManus and his team identified 391 arm-wavers in the films and compared the number of lefties and righties in the old movie to a more modern "control group" formed by searching for "waving" with Google Images.
About 15 percent of the people in the old films waved with their left hand, compared to 24 percent of lefty wavers in the Google search, the study, published in the Sept. 18 issue of the journal Current Biology, found.
The researchers compared these results to previous studies of handedness in writing and found that left-handed waving is more common than left-handed writing.
After correcting for this bias, the researchers found that "the earlier Victorian rates of left-handedness are broadly equivalent to modern rates, whereas rates then decline, with the lowest values for those born between about 1890 and 1910," McManus said.
The lefties in the Victorian films were typically older, which rules out the possibility of higher rates of mortality among lefties.
The most likely reason that lefties dropped in numbers at the turn of the 20th century was possible social influence brought about by universal education and the industrial revolution. These two factors would have forced lefties into the spotlight as they learned to write in the classroom or clumsily used machines built for right-handers.
"That would have exacerbated the stigma that any visible minority can experience, and the result could have been that left-handers found it more difficult to find marriage partners, marrying later, and hence having fewer children so that fewer of the relevant genes went into the gene pool," McManus told LiveScience. "And we do have evidence that around the turn of the 20th century left-handers had fewer children than right-handers."
A Bit Perplexed
How do you invite people to be contributors who post quality comments here when they choose to remain "anonymous"? Many "anonymous" posters have replied here with consise, to the point comments.
E mail me if you have a knack for blogging, and want in on this Blog.
No Smoking in Delaware County?
Cross posted from my personal blog
Last night I went up to Roxborough to visit my Daughter Natalie. I wound up at the Parker Pub and was hanging out with her aunt Carrie (Pictured). Anyway, dumb ass me lights up a Winston. Carrie immediately told me you can't smoke in here! I forgot all about the recent smoking ban in Philly.
I grumbled for a second, then went out the door. Carrie followed me, and she also lit one up. I have to admit, going out the door to light up was a pain in the ass, and I found myself accepting the ban.
Delaware County has a proposal I believe to ban smoking in taverns.
I believe that it is a good idea, as it would curb me and others from a nasty habit.
I grumbled for a second, then went out the door. Carrie followed me, and she also lit one up. I have to admit, going out the door to light up was a pain in the ass, and I found myself accepting the ban.
Delaware County has a proposal I believe to ban smoking in taverns.
I believe that it is a good idea, as it would curb me and others from a nasty habit.
Press 1 For English
The following senators voted against making English the official language
of America back in June of this year:
Akaka (D-HI)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Domenici (R-NM)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-M)
Flashback - Where I was six years ago today
I thought about where I was and what I was doing on September eleventh, 2001. I was at Hilltop Preparatory School in Radnor, giving an estimate on a new fire alarm system. Today, I also was at the same school, replacing an exhaust fan, when the fire alarm went off at 9:03 AM. The alarm was a false one, but sent chills down my spine for a different reason. Six years ago today, America was changed, and almost 3000 people paid for this change with their lives.
Thousands more have been sickened by toxins in NYC, and God knows how many more have died. Meanwhile, a token gesture today by the President to me wasn't enough. Mr. Bush... Quit side stepping this aggression of yours and either devote ALL of your energy to finish what you started in Iraq and elsewhere, or resign. And take Cheney and the rest of your cabal with you.
America and it's citizens are fed up with you and your stonewalling, as Johnson did in the sixties in southeast Asia. Were are not stupid. We (even the youth of this country) are on to what you and yours are all about. We know about physics. We know about media manipulation, we know about mouthpieces like Bill O'Reilly and the others at FAUX who continue to this day to spew falsehoods about that fateful day.
Give up, and while your at it, tell that guy who dresses up in drag to quit demeaning the first responders in NYC by running as as some super 911 hero to get votes. He ain't fooling anyone anymore. And neither are you.
Remember 9/11/01
Memories Of Graduation
Memories Of Graduation
I posted this You Tube link on My Space the other day, in the hope of trying to sway my Son to go back to Upper Darby High School. I don't know if he watched it, but he told me today that he wanted to return to Upper Darby High School and get a "real diploma", as both myself, his Mother,Brother, and Sisters have received in the past.
Only thing is, I'm sure I will find resistance from the Upper Darby School Board, along with certain teachers and administrators.Well So be it! I have my own "options" to put "on the table". They surely know this, and so does my attorney.
My advise? Let sleeping dogs lie.
Airplanes Over Delco
It seems that no power on earth can stop the FAA from implementing the new flight plan over Delaware County, Our Congressman, Senators, and State Legislators have run into the immovable Federal bureaucracy. Your advice to buy earplugs, though facetious, is what we have been left with as an alternative.Beyond the noise the added flights will cause, who will we call if a tragedy happens. I'd love to have that number. Are we who live in Delaware County so unimportant that saving time for travelers will endanger our good and hard working people. My question is who profits from this action? Who is behind this push to serve the few while hurting millions. I don't have the answer, but I know someone does.The implications of this decision will have long lasting and negative effects for everyone who lives in Delco. I called the FAA to find the person behind this misguided action, needless to say I was "disconnected". I applaud Andy Reilly and Joe Sestak for fighting the good fight, and I find ridiculous suggestions to cause delays at the airport.What I do know is that I don't want to live in a flight path and if someday I'm in a position to join those working to fight this catastrophe I will work for our community. Meanwhile, Editorials, hard working officials and citizens who will make their voices heard is the best chance we have to stop the FAA.
Wild Bill And The Date Rape Caper
I just watched "Dateline" on NBC with "Wild bill" Stanton. He had a segment about what men would do if they saw another man slip a "date rape" drug into a woman's drink while they went to the bathroom. Amazingly, not ONE man intervened! In fact, several were gung ho in knowing what they think had happened and one even had the balls to walk down the beach under the boardwalk for "sloppy seconds"!
I have one question for these losers. What if it was your Mother or Sister or Wife or Girlfriend? Would you react differently? Would you try to stop the predator? You see, twice in my life I had to deal with predators of this caliber. The first time in 1980, involved a former GF who was raped by some heathen. I would and still would to this day kill him in a slow painful way if I had the chance, Yes, I am that kind of guy. The second, in 1988, involved my wife at the former"Divine's" in Upper Darby. She was slipped a "Mickey" by some spic with pock marks right in front of me, only 15 feet away with Joe Stefferi, a local entertainer and musician.
They tried (the scumbag and his three friends, one a woman no lie) to pull her out the side door. Only by chance, Joe (Who knew my wife) stopped playing the piano and yelled to me. The scumbags left her and ran out the door to a waiting car. Paul Schneider, a former homicide detective and CID operative, also came to her aide. Paul and both of us are friends, and he couldn't believe what had transpired right in front of him.
Back to "Dateline"... In all of the stories, only one girl didn't let Wild Bill in the door. My advise? Don't trust ANYONE. you'll sleep better at night. And, if you live in Upper Darby, especially Stonehurst, beware.. There are sick fucks roaming the streets at night.
Have A Great Labor Day!
Yes, it's Sunday, a beautiful day here in Delaware County. I've noticed that this blog has recently received minimal comments. My belief is that most Delconians are too busy enjoying the holiday, either locally or down the shore.
Take a look at the video above, and kindly give me your opinion of it. My opinion is that we are headed to a dictatorship, one that makes Hitler look like a child playing in traffic.
Cheers and have a safe and enjoyable weekend holiday.
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